Chpter ten

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Chapter 10

"You bastard!"

"What?" He was chuckling. He actually enjoyed it. Why was I surprised? Oh maybe because I slapped his brother and I thought he would of be coming at me.

"Look angel, if you are going to leave, then I'm coming with you. I don't want to stay here."

"I'm not leaving!"

"Oh. Well I thought-"

"Well you thought wrong! Just because your brother told me to go, I ain't leaving. I'm not his bitch!" He smirked.

"Of course ya' ain't" he smiled at me.

"Rick is looking for ya, he said to come quick."

"Since when do you take orders from Rick?"

"I do what I want angel, ya should know that by now."

"Yeah I know. I also know you're up to something and you better not do it without me Merle."

"Go I'll take watch" he said


I didn't want to go over to Rick. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. But I had to. He was the one I owed my stay to. Even thought Daryl brought me here, Rick was the one who actually invited me in. Anyways I had to go. Merle was at watch and he could see everything from up there.

Rick was over by his garden. I admired his work. He kept the residents fed. But he shouldn't just have left everything and go gardening, like I heard he had done from Maggie. Carl was with him and let's just say there wasn't much of a smile on his face. Poor kid, this world was getting to him. I could tell.

As I got closer I could hear them arguing.

"Dad come on" said Carl. "I'm old enough to have my gun back!"

"No, no way Carl. I already told you you're safe enough here, inside the prison."

"You don't get it do you" Carl said and with that he walked away passing by me without even looking at me. He had told me how he felt towards his father and his garden. I agreed with him. He should be able to carry his gun around. You never know when the walkers are gonna come in no matter how many fences there are.

Rick was just standing there looking at me. He was frustrated not knowing what to do with his son.

"Rick, don't worry it's just a normal teenage phase kids go through." I smiled at him.

"Yeah I know" he said as he was getting closer to me.

"It's just...this world...the world we live on now with the's getting to him." He looked up at me after he said that sadness and misery all over his eyes. It hurt seeing him this way even though I haven't known him that long.

"Oh Rick" I gave him a hug and put my head in his chest while he wrapped his hands around my waist and put his head in my shoulder.

"It'll be alright. I promise you nor no one in the prison will get hurt by them."

"That's not true."

I looked up at him leaving his chest. I had to tell him. This was the right moment to do so. He had to know so he would have hope. And that would be what kept him going. It's all that kept me going since I lost cam. I missed that snob.


"Yeah?" He said. His hands were still around my waist and my hands were still wrapped around him.

"I have to tell you something"

"What is it?"

"I umm... Just promise me you won't get mad because I didn't tell you earlier"

"I can't make any promises" he said with a smile.


"You two done or somethin'?" It was Daryl.

My heart started beating fast and I noticed I was still hugging Rick. I slowly unwrapped my hands from him as so did he and put them by my side. He had his crossbow over his shoulder and was looking straight at me without blinking. I couldn't tell what he was feeling because his face was serious but his eyes said otherwise.

"Daryl, need anything?" Asked Rick.

"Yeah, I need to talk to her" he never stopped staring at me which made me hella nervous.

"Oh" said Rick.

"What do you wanna talk about? We barely even talk." I said. What did he want now.

He didn't say a word but simply turned around and walked over to the watch tower.

"Am I supposed to follow him or something?"

"Yeah" Rick said looking at the floor.

I guess our conversation was over. But I still had to tell him.

"Rick I-"

"No tell me later okay? After dinner"


And with that I left him and went over to the watchtower. I hoped Merle was there I didn't want to be alone with Daryl again. It was getting dark and the day would be over soon so as soon as I get done with Daryl I could tell Rick after dinner.

Daryl was standing over the edge of the watchtower looking down and his crossbow was next to him.

"You wanted to talk dixon?"

"Don't call me that!" He hissed. He turned around and walked over to me. Rage was all over his face and he was so close to me I had to back away until my back hit the wall.

"I saw what ya' were doin' over there with Rick!"

"Umm excuse me?!!" I couldn't believe it, was he jealous?

"I don't want to see ya' near him again ya' understand?!"

"okay, I don't know who you think you are, but you can't tell me who to be with and who to not!"

He turned around walking away from me over to his crossbow. He slid it over his shoulder and was walking towards the door.

"Stay away from him."

I wouldn't let him end this that easily. I grabbed his hand and turned him around to face me. He was surprised but then went back to his angry face.

"I am not going to put up with your bullshit Daryl so you better-"

"What ya' say to me bitch?"

"Daryl fuck off!"I screamed at his face. I was done with this.

I went over to the door and just as I grabbed the door handle he turned me around crashing his lips towards mine with such a force that I almost fell but he hold me steady as he pushed me towards the door. He had me against the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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