Warning! This chapter explains how Corin got her scar, and its a little violent. 

Corin didn't speak for the rest of the ride. She could hardly make a cohesive thought, much less have one come out of her mouth. All she could do was think about Draco Malfoy, the same one who has used that nasty word in front of her.

"I can change him!" She thought bitterly to herself, not registering the conversation around her.

'No you can't, and you don't want to even if you could,' she knew the truth behind these words. She sighed and looked out the window. The train came to a stop, and she shook herself from her daydream to think, again, about the houses. She had no idea what house Draco was in. She vaguely remembered Hermione mention Slytherin. No, that would be too easy. Besides, she was practically a mudblood, it was unlikely that Slytherin would accept her, much less let her in.

Anyway, Draco seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn't take you unless he could win you. He seemed far too arrogant to let someone else wear the pants in a relationship. You had to play hard to get with him. Yes, Gryffindor. It seemed best for Corin anyway. She was brave, daring, and just a little bit of an idiot when it came to dangerous situations.

'This boy has so many flaws, and you still like him. Corin, you're certainly a danger junkie,' and Corin smiled to herself as she got in the carriage. 

It was bumpy, and raining. The rain fell down in harsh sheets, leaving no one untouched. Thunder boomed in everyone's ears and lightning crackled across the sky. Quicker than a flash of lightning, Corin fell deep inside her memories, down, down, down, down.

Corin was very young, only five or six. She was playing in a field with her mother, who is heavily pregnant, and her father, who is branded with the dark mark. Corin grabbed a daisy, and it turned into a makeshift bird. The daisy began to fly away and Corin pointed to it excitedly.

"Look! Mummy! Daddy! It turneded into a birdie and flew away!" Corin said, barely able to contain her excitement. Her mother's face turned to worry, and her mind drifted off to her own wand, hidden for good at the bottom of her trunk. Her father was angry, he gave a look to his wife, who stood with difficulty, and left. She had long since learned not to upset him.

"Corin, if I ever see you doing that again, you will regret it," he was quiet, a clear sign that he was angry. But Corin was a small child, and her father had been away for a few years. She had forgotten what it was like when he was angry and continues on.

"But Daddy! Look!" Corin grabbed another bud, which bloomed and withered and died quickly. His hand flew at her face and the memory dissolved.

Corin was now eleven or so, her face unscarred. She had kept her magic in, scared of her father, scared for her baby brother if he got that mad again. Her brother was the favorite of her father, he showed no sign of magic. No matter what Corin did, it was wrong in the eyes of her father.

"Corin! Get your lazy ass down here!" He was drunk again, for sure. He spoke in his sleep about a Dark Lord and His return. Corin felt satisfaction that he was afraid. She hated her father. He threw a bottle at the floor as she entered the room. Her magic caught it, an accident she could hardly control. He stood and approached her, clearly unhappy.

"Do you know what you just did to me?" He asked. "You could have killed everyone.

"I wish you were dead," Corin spat at him. The next things that happened were a blur to Corin. Her father lunged at her and she exploded- literally. Anger consumed her and she went off like a napalm bomb. Fire leaked  into every corner of the house, broken glass flew threw the air like tiny knives, cutting, slicing. And Corin was at the center of it all, tears flowing down her face silently as as the flames swirled around her. A scream was heard from upstairs- her baby brother. She had killed him. Corun sank down to her knees still sobbing. Through the storm, a voice could be heard before the sound of a body hits the floor and burning flesh entered the air.

"Vulnerarent!" It was her father, cursing her with his last breath of life. Lightning came down from the sky, thunder rumbled through the flames,and Corin sank to the floor, her blood rushing out of her face, her arm, her shoulder.

"Corin!" Harry slapped her face and she came back to reality, , her face soaked with tears and rain, joining together to cloud her eyes.

"Sorry, the lightning made me..." she trailed off. She didn't want them to know the things that she had done- the people she had killed.

"We should tell Professor McGonagall about this," Hermione said, looking almost as stark white as Corin.

"No, no. It's fine," Corin sat all the way up and shook her head. "I'll be fine a minute."

"Are you sure?" Neville asked. Corin nodded. The carriage pulled to a stop, and Professor McGonagall was walking towards them. They left the carriage in a hurry, their robes sopping wet. They met the stern looking Professor hat Corin had only heard of because her mother talked in her sleep. They met her at the entrance hall, which was slippery with puddles of the accursed water. The professor slipped as she was parading toward Corin, at the back of the group. She grasped Hermione's neck from falling.

"Sorry, Miss Granger," the professor apologized, letting go quickly.

"It's fine," Hermione gasped, rubbing her neck.

"Are you Corin Westerfalls?" McGonagall turned her attention to Corin who nodded. "Come along. We're sorting you in private before the feast." Corin followed Professor McGonagall t her office, where a grubby hat and a stool sat. The Sorting Hat. Despite the events of the day, Corin was still thrilled to try it on. She looked to her professor, who nodded. She sat the hat on her head.

'Guilty, ever so guilty,' the hat spoke inside her mind and she gave a little jump. 'Because of something you couldn't control. But brave, ever so brave and selfless. Saving your brother from your father. Your father,' the hat continued, was in Slytherin. I'm sure, though, that you'd walk out of these doors if I put you in the same house as him. So many nasty thoughts.

'Your mother, on the mother hand, was  a Ravenclaw. Very bright, I knew from the moment she put me on her head.'

"Not bright enough to stay away from that cruel man," Corin bitterly thought. She knew that her father had beaten  her mother before his death. In fact, once he was dead, no one really missed him.

'You've got just as sharp as her. But not Ravenclaw. No, you belong in Gryffindor!' The hat shouted out the last word for McGonagall to hear. She smiled gayly.

"Congratulations, Miss Westerfalls, and welcome to Gryffindor." 

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