Chapter Sixteen: Your Mixtape's Trash

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First thing next morning, Daichi and Kageyama were called up to Oikawa's office. No doubt, it was about their escapade the night before. They'd eventually been discovered by Guess Monster, who had been trying to find a rare beetle outside. He'd recently got into beetle collecting, since the man needed a hobby. It just so happened that he'd discovered the two missing inmates lying down on the grass. And the cigarettes surrounding the two. They'd each been hit with three shots. One for not being in their dorms, one for having contraband on them and one for littering. The both of them were lucky that Guess Monster hadn't given them an extra shot out of spite otherwise they'd both be in the SHU right now. Well, Daichi would. Kageyama would manage to wiggle his way out of things.

Right after Guess Monster discovered the two, there had been an unannounced contraband search. They'd seized quite the collection of butt plugs and nipple clamps from under Suga's bed, much to the grey-haired man's annoyance. Kageyama had almost started a fight after they dared to search his room and take all seven packs of his cigarettes. After much bargaining, he was able to keep his MP3 player, but he was still angry about the loss of his cigarettes. Chances were, the guards had a massive pile of sex toys, cigarettes and pornographic magazines in the staff room. They'd probably take their pick of what they wanted and have their fun with it. After all, the guards had had fun handing out shots and trips to the SHU for all the contraband they'd found. Everyone would most likely hate Kageyama even more once they discovered that he was the one who hadn't been in his dorm for night count. They wouldn't hate Daichi though. Most people liked Daichi since he was usually responsible and kind towards everyone.

"What were you two doing?" Oikawa was attempting to sound intimidating as he scolded the two inmates who had been daring enough to skip night count. However, Oikawa was the furthest thing from intimidating. All Kageyama could see was the same old grown man who acted like a lovesick thirteen-year-old the second Iwaizumi entered the same room as him. "Why would you skip count like that?"

"We were just talking about the C.Os and October—"

"Idiot!" Daichi was about to slap Kageyama's shoulder, but he noticed Oikawa's cool brown eyes, watching the both of their actions closely. He let his hand drop by his side instead. "You're not meant to actually tell him!" Daichi knew very well that Kageyama wasn't the best at following social cues.

"Ehh...?" Oikawa rose an eyebrow at the two in interest. "What about October?"

"Nothing!" Daichi and Kageyama yelled simultaneously.

"Ah, interesting. Nothing starts with the letter N, which is the first letter of your friend's name. Nishinoya." Oikawa tilted his head up at the two, making himself seem even taller than was necessary. "I already know what's happening. We're not idiots. We just get more money if we bust loads of prisoners on Escape Day. That's why we let it happen."

Kageyama was genuinely surprised. "Well, I'm not planning to escape or anything—"

"Of course not, Tobio-chan. I won't let you escape," Oikawa said with a bright grin. But then, his eyes darkened, making his grin appear more menacing. "I'm not done torturing you yet." Oikawa could be even more of a sadist than Kageyama sometimes. If it weren't for Oikawa's ego, Kageyama might have found a friend in the eccentric counsellor.

"Is that his idea of flirting," Daichi hissed, putting a hand to his lips so that Oikawa couldn't see his lips moving.

"I heard that!"

"You were meant to!"

"Ah. Should I give you a shot, Daichi? I understand that the both of you have four shots right now. If you end up in the SHU, it will greatly impact the chances of either of you two getting early release," Oikawa said, stroking his imaginary beard. In fact, the guy had some stubble growing there.

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