Chapter Seventeen: Fuck It, I'll Fly

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 "I...uh..." Keishin's face blanched. He hadn't been expecting this to happen first thing in the morning. He was still groggy from being made to stay at work later than usual last night. As a result, he'd gone to bed even later than usual.

"Keishin. I want to see you in my office. Now." The man turned his attention to the other inmates who were watching the scene with interest. Quite a crowd had begun to gather. "And all of you, unless you want to end up in the SHU, go to the cafeteria. Now." The crowd began to scatter away hurriedly, but Kageyama, Suga and Daichi were still there. And of course, Ennoshita was still peeking at the small group from behind a corner, making frantic notes about what was happening. The mysterious man still had his hand firmly clamped on Daichi's shoulder, which probably meant that he still wanted to talk to Daichi about something. Daichi and Suga had no idea who this man was. Was it a new C.O.? He wasn't wearing the blue uniform though. Kageyama was very well-acquainted with this man, just like Keishin was. It wasn't often that he came by the prison. He'd been in hospital for quite some time after a disastrous fall which had resulted in a broken leg and a fractured hip bone. He'd made it out of hospital a couple of weeks ago, but that didn't mean his body wasn't still aching.

"Did I stutter?" The man removed his grip from Daichi's shoulder and approached Kageyama and Suga, who were standing nearby one another. "Get. To. The. Cafeteria."

Kageyama didn't want to go to the SHU. But, he knew that Daichi was in trouble. He wouldn't let Daichi go down, not like this. Suga was still standing beside him, not letting his stance falter in the slightest. While Kageyama didn't approve of Suga's actions, it didn't change the fact that Suga was the one that had saved him. Along with Daichi.

"No." Kageyama stepped forwards. "I can't leave without Daichi."

The man's jaw tightened as he watched Kageyama, who was performing a rare act of compassion. It was rare that he'd get himself in trouble at the expense of someone else, but right now, he seemed to be doing it pretty often. "Kageyama. Maybe you run things around here, but I'm the reason you can do that. So, you better turn heel and walk, boy."

"Reason?" Suga's eyebrows furrowed together. "Wait... you're the warden? The one who ended up in hospital?"

"That's a shot for you, old man." Suga's cheeks flushed at the nickname he'd been given. He remembered being made fun of in junior high because of his grey hair, but ever since then, nobody had ever poked fun at his hair. At least, until now.

"Old man? Your hair's even greyer than mine is, grandpa."

Daichi was itching to tell Suga to shut up like he usually did, but he just couldn't. Whenever he did, the two of them would start bickering and right now, Daichi just wasn't in the mood for it. He wanted to go. But he couldn't help but be shocked at the arrival of the warden. Most of the inmates didn't even know who he was, save for the people that had been here for years and years.

"That's another shot. Get out of my face."

"I never knew wardens could give out shots," Suga sang, beginning to twirl around and walk as he spoke. "Then again, I don't really give a fuck."

"Sugawara, stop it," Keishin said, wearing a panicked look on his face. This was meant to be the part where Daichi would apologise on Suga's behalf, but he still couldn't speak. He was just burning with so much rage that he felt like he'd spit venom all over people the second he opened his mouth.

"Warden Ukai." C.O. Ushijima was walking over to the scene, his eyes narrowed at all the inmates surrounding him. "Is there a problem here?"

"Take this inmate to the SHU." He jerked a thumb over at Sugawara. "Take him, too." He turned his gaze on Daichi, who was still too busy seething with rage to actually notice what was going on around him.

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