Chapter 4

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The Bat stood for about 2 minutes before he saw the door in the room open and he moved to the side so the figure wouldn't spot him. It was Harley, the clowns best friend, her words still rang in his head. Making him feel awful. 

He could faintly hear what she was saying. 

" You should be all better in 2 days." Harley said and he could see the clown move to face his best friend.

It was now that Bats could see the big bruise that he made on the clown. Worse then any other he has given the clown. He can see the sad smile , he can tell that the clown is trying to keep in high spirits.

Batman could feel a pain in his heart, he felt pain for the clown. He had known this clown for 78 years and had barley admitted his hate twords him and now he is the reason the clown is bed ridden.

He decided he didn't want to see anymore of the trouble he has caused. He was the hero and yet he was causing pain- in the wrong way.

"How's about we paint your nails? It might make you feel better." Harley offered with a smile.

Joker smiled back " I'd love that, monkey face !" Joker said sitting up in bed.

Harley squealed and raced to her room and back, a bag full of as.many types of nail polish as you could imagine.

"I'm thinking" Harley head up a sparkling red color.

Joker nodded , he instantly fell in love with this color.

Harley sat on the bed and started  the process for applying nail polish.

"I'm sure Bats will love this color." Joker smiled as Harley opened the bottle.

Harley wasn't want to hold grudges but she hated when someone hurt her best friend, but she knew how much Batman meant to her best friend so she chose to let what the bat did go.

"Oh I'm sure he will, who wouldn't ?!" Harley said giggling.

Now back with the Batfamiy, Bruce has just made it home all three of his family members waiting for him.

" And where were you ?" Babs said first as she eyed Bruce as he sat on the couch.

"No where important." Bruce replied, hurt in his voice.

Instantly everyone knew what this was about.

"I'm sure he isn't mad at you." Dick stated quickly.

Bruce looked over at his son, as he held back tears.

"It's not that he is mad at me, I'm mad at myself. I hurt him for the wrong reasons." Bruce said putting his head in his hands.

Of course none of them completely knew the reasons for his out burst was but the dismissed it , that was for them I know when he was ready to tell them.

Babs and Bruce needed to talk, adult talk you know ?

"Master Dick, would you like to go feed the dolphins?" Alfred asked and Dick agreed.

The two left the room leaving Babs and Bruce to talk.

"Look Bruce it's obvious how you feel." Babs stated looking the ear

Bruce's eyes shot up to meet Barbra's . He knew what she meant. "No way! I don't... I wouldn't..." Bruce trailed off, he would never agree to that, he doesn't and will never feel that way for the clown. It was just wrong.

Actually screw that, the thought was beautiful and he would love for it to be a reality. But he knew what he did would throw every chance of that out the window.

"Look Bruce , maybe you could just find him and apologize. I'm sure he'd forgive you." Now if only she knew how hard that was. He just tried it didn't work.

"Maybe... Maybe" what was Bruce thinking, he could just write a note and tell the clown he was sorry.

He couldn't tell his real feelings. Not now at least. Bruce got up and found a paper and a pen.

Babs watched from behind Bruce as he wrote the letter.

'I'm so sorry for what I did, it was stupid and childish. Forgive me ? - Batman' 

Bruce folded the paper a small smile on his lips. " I'll be back, don't wait up." And with that Batman dashed through the front door and headed back to the address of the villians.

"Oh Harley it looks AMAZING!" Joker said as he looked at his nails, all ten sparkly red.

It was then that a knock was heard from the front door. Every villian quickly scattered to hide in there rooms.

Harley was the only one who answered the door , as she was the only one who could make herself look like a normal person.

Harley made her way to the door changing into a normal looking person before answering the door.

She opened it and looked around, no one but a folded paper with the words "for Joker" she picked up the note and closed the door. Changing back to herself, she called out starting it was fine for the villians to come out.

"Meow meow who was it ?" Catwoman asked as she eyed the paper.

"Don't know, but it's for Mistah J. " Harley said making her way to her best friends room.

Joker looked over to Harley, eyeing the note in her hand.

"It's for you." She holds the letter out to him.

He takes it gently and opens it. Every villian in the door way curious of what it says.

"I'm so sorry for what I did , it was childish. Forgive me?- Batman" Joker read out loud with a smile on his lips.

Little to the villians knowledge, Batman was right out side Jokers window , out of view but close enough to where he could hear what they were saying.

"Well are you gonna forgive him ?" Riddler questioned

"I already have, so of course I forgive Bats." Joker said with a giggle and everyone one else smiled , it was nice to know the two made up. In some form.

Batman smiled and immediately made his way home , missing an important part of joker's statement.

"I could never be mad at my love for long." This didn't phase anyone . They all knew how he felt . It was obvious and he had told them anyways. He would never tell Batman though. he knew Batman liked women, or so he thinks, so he can settle for what they have now.

Batman went home and told Babs and Alfred the good news. Babs and Alfred knew how Bruce felt but waited for when he'd admit it.

Dick smiled from the hall , he was suppose to be asleep but wanted to know what was happening. 

He knew he had to text this to his black and red gal pal.


HEYYY sorry this was a wait ;///

I hope u enjoy :333333 yes they have phones .. I'm sick I cry :9.

Tbh I have rule with myself to make these at least 1000 words:09.   What do u want to see ?? Comment scenes or stuff :33 till next time my shippers.  BTW my hands hurt now


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