Chapter 5

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The next morning Robin grabbed his phone as he got ready for his day.

Robin like everyone else had a phone, his case had a small Robin , and it was green and red with yellow sparkles. Custom made.

Robin surprisingly had Harley's number, Robin visited the female clown whenever she went to Arkham. He was just nice like that, plus he wanted hear about Joker too, he knew how his batdad felt and he knew the clown felt he same way.

'Harley did he get the note ?' Robin texted Harley.

'The note from your batdad? Yea he got it!' Harley texted back a grin growing on her face. Now Harley didn't know their identities but Dick or Robin as she knew him informed her of Batman being his Batdad.

She was very fond of the young boy, he was a person who treated her like any other person- like a human. Yes she is a bad guy but no bad guy is a bad guy. They get dealt a bad hand.

Harley placed her phone down on her bed and got up and walked across to her best friends room , watching him with a smile. He was doing his makeup and painting his nails, his spirit could never be hurt for long, especially when he got an apology letter from the Bat.

"Feeling much better I see." Harley said with a little giggle.

He turned his head and smiled, he was clearly adding extra makeup to the bruised area.

"Of course I feel better!" He said as he turned back to pick up the makeup brush he'd need. He looked into the mirror applying make looking at the note that he had taped to the slightly cracked mirror and smiled.

Harley nodded and walked off to the main room where most of the villians where spread out. She took a seat between Riddler and Ivy looking at he TV. On screen was a talk show with famous people and a few heros.

It wasn't till Batman walking up and took a seat next to the talk show host. He waved to the camera as the interview began.

"So Batman, what is it like now that you have the official label of 'Greatest Enemy' " The Host asked with a smile looking to the vigilante.

"Well, I've never had a title before but I'm getting use to it. Every other hero has a greatest enemy, I needed to hop on the train too. " He said as he looked back to the host.

"Reports say that it was the Joker who wanted the next step with the titles, is that true ?"

"Well yes. It was time for me to realize how important he was to my life and how important I am to his."He replied

Now here was the kicker ,

"And then why did you commit such a violent act against him, in public?" The host questioned and crowed grew silent.

Batman stiffened a little, he knew it was coming but it still hit hard "I was not in control of my emotions at the time, that's all I will say on the the matter at this time." He stated firmly

The host smiled and nodded finishing the interview and then dismissing him for another hero.

"You did great Padre!" Dick squealed as his father stepped into the back stage area.

"Thanks Dick." He smiled at his son as he lead him out of the studio.

"Do you think he excepts your apology?" Dick stated innocently making his father blush lightly.

"I hope so."He responded sighing lightly.

Alfred was waiting for them in the driver seat. "I trust the interview went well?" He asked as the two sat in the car.

"Yes it went rather smoothly." Bruce said as he sipped some water that was in the back seat area.

Now back with the villains Harley and Ivy were sat on the couch now joined with riddler and penguin. "Jays boytoy is emotionally unstable." Freeze said from the kitchen as he was making some oatmeal.

"Please anyone of us could have told the world that."Riddler said chuckling with a pinch of sass added in.

It rendered a chuckle from the rest of the group that had gathered. "Does anyone know what the plan is today?"
Ivy asked as she looked at her nails and filed them.

"Not sure Jay was applying makeup but I'm still sure he's not down for anything extra." Harley admitted thinking of what to do today.

"What about a day at the beach ?" Catwoman asked chiming in from on top of the fridge munching on some fish sticks.

"A beach day sounds fun kitty!!" Harley said smiling.

Multiple agreements to a beach day and informing everyone. Not everyone wanted to go for multiple reasons but the ones who did go gathered bags of beach stuff.

Jay, Harley, Ivy , Kitty (catwoman), Riddler, Pen (penguin), and 2Face , all piled into a car and drove down the beach.

"I haven't been to the beach in a very long time and I'm happy to finally get a day to go."Harley said from the backseat licking ice cream and checking her phone.

"Well I've never been a fan of water but I won't miss a chance to tan." Kitty said as she decided between the two swim suits she brought.

"Well me and Pen could use a date, even if everyone comes along."Riddler said chuckling as he handed a popsicle to his boyfriend. (Yea these two are the gay and are dating. So are Ivy and Harley)

"Some sun would do me good anyway."Pen added as he unwrapped the popsicle.

2Face was driving (yes I'm gonna keep using 2Face instead of twoface I prefer it don't judge me <3)  "Were almost there so put on you're flip flops."

Jay was already set for the beach. "I'm glad I decided to go with you guys a beach day is just what I needed to relax." He said with a smile. "Besides shouldn't wast this perfectly baked face of mine." He added giving everyone a chuckle

2Face parked the car and everyone got out. Most of the villains put on some makeup to make them unknown, 2Face usually just wore a hat and sunglasses. Harley wore spray tan, Kitty didn't need anything really. Ivy (my Ivy can shift from green to black skin,,, also yes she's black ) shifts her skin tone to her natural shade. Pen and Riddler don't need much, Pen usually adds a little makeup to his face and Jay adds spray tan like Harley.

They set up an area for them in the sun, not to close to the water but not to far.
Ivy and Harley ran straight for the water. It took Kitty a few minutes but she joined. Pen didn't want to join he rather enjoy the sun, Riddler stayed with him for a while before going to the water and 2Face sat with Pen at the set up. Jay joined the rest in the water after a moment or so.

"Why don't you swim?"Pen asks 2face as he licks some of his popsicle. "Salt water hurts my skin, I just like the sand." He stated as he drank some water they packed.

And thus that is chapter 5, I'm sorry for the wait I truly am life has just been busy and school didn't help, summer is literally in 2 days so I will be returning to this fic and updating more often! I hope you forgive me :) if you'd like to find more of my works I am now on tumblr ! My user is sugarwritesfanfics and you can also find me in AO3 my user that mood is SugarWrites. Right now only 1 story is posted to both and I plan to add to them. ,,, those both will mainly be Marvel so if you enjoy marvel there you go. I will most likely add this fic to my AO3 and go from there. Till then have a good day and tell me what you thought! And did you miss me ??? I missed you guys (I read you're comments don't think I didn't!!) ants bai!!

- Sugar <3

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