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The school's corridors were quiet and peaceful even if people were wandering through it.

You closed your locker with a sigh and looked up at the clock hanging on the white wall. By then you knew this silence wouldn't last long.

Staring at the clock with disbelief you enjoyed your last minutes of peace before this place would become a mess of squealing, crying chicks. Or should we call them chickens?

Speaking of the devil, it all started with a squeak before there was a mass of girls clouding the hallways. You felt your eye twitch in annoyance as he walked in, making the girl- chickens go completely wild.

"Always so noisy, tch." You grunted to yourself and glared in his direction.

When he noticed you standing there he shot you a sly smile and nicked at you. You ignored him, seeing his satisfaction in your displease of his presence.

"Kyaa! He smiled at me!" A girl exclaimed to her friend, her cheeks blushing as she covered them in a shy manner. The other girl jumped in excitement as she fangirled with her friend.

You couldn't help but mentally facepalm at their silliness.

"To be exact he smiled at me." You stated to yourself.

"Who did?" A male voice startled you, making you flinch with a small gasp leaving your lips. You looked at the boy next to you with big eyes. Baekhyun smirked playfully, signaling you that he had heard you, and knew who you referred to.

Embarrassment washed over you as you felt your cheeks heat up. You shot him a threatening glare before looking away, not wanting him to see your flustered face.

"N-nothing." You manage, mentally cursing yourself for stuttering. His smile grew wider as he pinched your cheek.

"Aw kyoo!" he sang cutely, to annoy you, which he succeeded pretty well with. You felt how the blood started boiling in your veins. Well, you weren't a grumpy person, but this guy here could make you turn into one.

You jerked his hand away from your cheek, as they heated up in embarrassment. Baekhyun smirked smugly.

"Yah stop it!" You almost yelled, and Baekhyun shot his hands up in defense while whistling.

"Ooh, feisty." He chuckled and you just shook your head at him,  deciding to ignore him for now, he would only try to annoy anyways.

"Tch whatever.." You muttered quietly to yourself and started walking away from the annoying boy, or more like 5 years old kid in the body of a 17 years old.

Baekhyun stood still for some seconds, watching you walk away with a questioning look. Not long after, he caught up to you, and you could hear him walk behind you. Something felt different,  he was being too quiet around you, that wasn't like him.

Though you shrugged it off, thinking of it as a positive matter, finally some peace. You had absolutely no problem in talking normally with Baekhyun, because after all; he was your closest friend. But he could also be your biggest torment, and that was when you would end up losing your patience, and well, be a bit rude. But hey, he searches for it.

To your surprise, you felt a pair of hands gently landing on each side of your waist, that startled you. You didn't have a chance to react because of the person squeezing your sides, making you squeal in panic at the tickling feeling. At this rate, you knew it was only Baekhyun. But hell you were gonna get mad now.

He stopped tickling you and you faced him with an angry- no, furious look, though he didn't look intimidated. In fact; Baekhyun had seen this side of you countless times, it wasn't something too dangerous.

With tense muscles and your hands balled into fists, you yelled at him.

"Byun Baekhyun, stop it will you?!"

He licked his lips almost seductively and brushed his fingers through his red dyed hair.

"Oh using my full name, that's hot." He smirked and winked playfully, you let out a groan in frustration. Tough, you couldn't help but remark to yourself how handsome he looked while doing those hand movements through his hair.

Not being able to help it, a little smile danced at the corner of your lips at his silly remark, too bad he saw it, his smile was wider than ever, as he pointed at you.

"So you like being called hot huh? I see how it is.." He challenged, the cocky smirk never leaving his face,  you pushed his pointing finger away with a little smile.

"Don't point out at people, it's rude." You said, turning down his challenge, making him pout in disappointment.

This was a part of him that you loved, no matter how much on your nerves he could get, he'd always be able to make you smile. Being annoying or not, you still cared for him.

He was your best friend after all, though sometimes you almost thought that you hated him more than you actually loved him. You loved him as a friend, yet couldn't stand him. What a mess.

Baekhyun's pout faded soon as he saw that your mood had turned into a more peaceful one, he smiled and poked your cheek. As always you pushed his hand gently away, but that was useless as he'd always continue.

"Y/n! Baek!" A female voice called from behind. You turned around just to see your friend Minah running towards you and Baekhyun with a cheerful smile.

Minah had been your friend since you had started middle school, very tight friends to be exact. She often hung around with you and Baekhyun, you would make a great trio. The differences were that you had been friends with Baekhyun since childhood, and Minah still didn't know him that well.

Sometimes you'd feel a bit jealous of her, she was very pretty and had such a nice personality. While you would consider yourself just average, nothing too special. And not to mention how grumpy you would seem to other people, but for that, you could blame Baekhyun.

"Hi!" She greeted happily while waving a hand, slightly panting from the little run she just had. You smiled warmly at her and greeted her back.

"Hey there," Baekhyun said as he patted her head gently, not resisting it, as she was so much shorter, he had to look down at her.

Unconsciously you frowned at the view of your childhood friend caressing your now blushing friend. Normally you were not the jealous type, but this time you felt your heart sting at the view.  The feeling wasn't new, you had felt it before, though the last time had been years ago...

"Shit." You cursed and tried to shrug the annoying feeling off. Blocking out every single jealous thought from your head, trying to shrug off the unwanted unpleasant feeling that was currently washing over you.

Baekhyun gave you a concerned look as his hand eventually left Minah's head.

"Y/n, you okay?"


So hi there angels<3 I'm already back with another story cx, it won't be too long, though please tell me what you think so far! This first chapter isn't so good though :/ hmm

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