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It was an early school morning, and you were patiently sitting at your desk, watching how the classroom slowly got filled with more students. You didn't know how it had been possible but you were at school earlier than usual. Normally you'd be there about 10 minutes before you started class. Though today had been a bit different. Hence the whole night had been different, restless, sleepless. Why?

The reason appeared to you too silly to even admit, but hey, you couldn't deny something so obvious either.
You hadn't been able to sleep the whole night because of a certain person invading your thoughts, it was insane how you couldn't think of something else. It was like a bunch of bees around their hive. The whole night you hadn't felt the slightest tired. Totally wide awake. Your heart was beating quickly for what seemed hours.

Every time you'd think about the memories of when he came to apologize, your heart would throb. It had gone on for so long you had wondered if your heart hadn't got tired yet.

Where ever you were these days, he was lingering in your thoughts, and especially around you. You couldn't just forget how nice the scent of his perfume had been, how everything about him had suddenly seemed so mesmerizing. It shook you, because after all of these years together, why where you feel all of this now? Why were your feelings overwhelming you all at once just now?

A frustrated sigh escaped your lips as you facepalmed. You were confused, upset, angry with yourself. You couldn't let yourself fall for Baekhyun, yet here you were thinking only about him.

'Don't tell me I like him...
Nah that can't be.
Okay, why am I even trying.'

Once more you sighed feeling defeated, as you realized there was no way out. You had no choice but to admit that you liked him, and avoiding him wasn't an option anymore. It was completely impossible to be away from him, he was around you 24/7.

Not that you minded anyway. In fact, you enjoyed the fact that he hung around you more often than he flirted with those annoying, screaming chicks.

"But it's still no good! I cant do that!" You groaned to yourself in frustration hiding your face into your palms, referring to having that kind of feelings towards Baekhyun. You just couldn't allow yourself to love him that way. It sounded clique, and that's exactly what it was, but what could you do if these feelings were really about to ruin a relationship? That was a fear of yours because this friendship was the one you cherished the most, you couldn't stand the thought of being rejected.

You knew Baekhyun only saw you as a friend. All of that skinship, you knew it wasn't something deep. It was exactly because you were his best friend that he wasn't afraid of getting close to you.

"Can't what?" A familiar male voice asked. A bit startled, you looked up from your hands and eyed him with wide eyes.
Speaking of the witch, there he was, standing in front of your desk with his arms across his chest, looking as handsome as ever. A little smirk tugged at the end of his lips as his eyes scanned your troubled expression.

"Nothing of course.." You lied, faking a faint smile, he chuckled and shook his head, at that moment you knew he wasn't up for getting explanations, a relieved sigh left your lips.

With your head resting inside of your palm, you stole a quick glance at Baekhyun. You found yourself doing that repeatedly until unconsciously it turned into staring. You just couldn't help but admire every inch of him.
His dyed hair suited him so good even though the color was so unnatural, he slayed it. His clothes were simple yet looked fancy as they hugged his figure perfectly. His hands, eyes, lips, smile... Just what wasn't perfect about him? You hated how he got you to think about him in this kind of way, yet you couldn't help it. You couldn't draw your eyes away from him, his figure was like a magnet attracting you to him.

Suddenly he cracked a smirk making you frown. He faced you with a playful smile.

"Y/n you are staring." He stated, the smirk just becoming even cockier.
That one sentence had made you wake up from your dazed state as you flinched a bit, the embarrassing feeling crept into you, the blood rushing to your cheeks and you looked away.

"I wasn't.." You denied even if it was pointless. You heard him laugh and you were sure that it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard.
Secretly you smiled too, not being able to stop the joyful feeling of having him talk and laugh with you.

"Baek-" You started while turning around to face him, though you didn't continue as his desk was already surrounded by pretty girls trying to have a conversation with him.

With a sigh, you faced the whiteboard and pulled your most furious expression ever. Rage and irritation boiled in your veins. There wasn't even a second that you could have him free from other girls during class.
You had wanted to ask him for company after school, but you had changed your mind as soon as you had seen him smiling fondly at those girls. When he did those kind of things, it annoyed way too much. You hated it so much. It got so much on your nerves that you would feel the need to beat someone.

"Tch nevermind." You muttered angrily under your breath, feeling a bit too jealous for your own good. If you continued like this you would be way too obvious.

Though Baekhyun who had from time to time stolen some glances on you, noticed your annoyed expression before you could even hide it. He walked in front of your desk, crouching at your eye level.
"Yah stop being jealous." He said trying to sound serious, though he couldn't hide the obvious smile tugging on his lips. Baekhyun was feeling flattered that you were being jealous because of him. The past years all you had done was avoiding close contact as much as possible, he couldn't help but like those reactions of yours.

At that moment you knew that your attempt at not showing how these girls were bothering you flew into ashes. You felt your cheeks heating up at his remark.

"I'm not." You stated, flustered with a small pout on your lips.
Baekhyun's grin widened as he noticed your cheeks firing up.

"You don't have to worry, you know I'm all yours." he sing-sang with a wink and then puckered his lips, making a smooching sound.
You couldn't help but chuckle at his silly behavior. You shook your head at him, the two of you laughing together.

As always after class, you headed to the lockers with Baekhyun and Minah. The three of you chatted on your way. You stilled when you heard Minah squealing, the sound of books hitting on the ground made you turn. There you saw Minah staring wide-eyed at a girl in front of her, the books were messily scattered at her feet.

The girl looked familiar, her hair was black and long. Definitely pretty.
You looked at Baekhyun, his expression was also surprised, though there was no hint of happiness in his eyes. The little spark from before was gone, and all you could see was obvious pain.

Once more you scanned her with your eyes, feeling how they widened when you realized who she was. Your heart throbbed as you checked on Baekhyun again.

His lips were trembling as he tried to avoid looking at her.
"Ha Jin? "


Hi there angels💖🌹 How are you?

I hope well,~ I hope you're liking this book so far! like and comment💖🌹

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