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"Can't I do that?" He whispered softly into your ear. You felt your pulse in your ears as the close contact was making you shiver uncontrollably.
You gulped loudly and inhaled.

"If you... Really insist then okay.." you managed to say through your hitched breath. When his arms left your body you sighed with relief, at this rate you weren't sure if your heart would be able to handle it for much longer.

He was driving your system insane, and as if he already knew what impact he had on you, he would always do this kind of things to you. The heat was burning on your cheeks as you looked down, finding a sudden interest in your shoes.

You let your hair fall like a curtain in front of your face, hiding your flustered face. Though Baekhyun didn't say anything about it as the two of you continued your way to his house. From time to time he would steal some glances at you and eventually smile to himself. You felt watched and because of that guess he was the cause.

You gazed up at Baekhyun, only to see him looking ahead of himself.
As he noticed your stare at him, he rapidly returned your gaze.
He shook his head questioningly at you with a cute eye smile coloring his face. You had to admit he had looked purely adorable when doing that, and if it wasn't for your pride you'd already be clinging onto him like a koala.
You couldn't help but reply with a faint smile as you shook your head as a 'nothing.'

The walk to his home was mostly quiet, but it didn't bother you. Thankfully it wasn't an awkward silence, but a peaceful one.
Nothing could be heard but your own thoughts playing like a radio in your head. Sometimes you got curious about; what Baekhyun could be pondering about. It happened that sometimes his face wore a very concentrated frown, or a peaceful expression or him smiling to himself, that made you so curious about what could be going on in that head of his.

"What are you thinking about?" You broke the silence, with your voice sounding way calmer than you actually were feeling. Your heart was, in fact, beating hysterically fast inside of your chest, every time he'd look at you, your heart would squeeze painfully, making your legs go weak.
Baekhyun gave you at first a clueless look but soon after it developed into a cute smile. You liked how he looked that way. The sweet smile combined with the orange color of the late sun shading his handsome features.

"Just thinking about you." He sang cheesily and puckered his lips for a kiss even though the obvious distance between the two of you.
You groaned though you couldn't stop the heavy smile growing on your lips. You couldn't deny loving the fact that he thought about you.
He walked closer to you with his arms wide open to hug you, his lips still puckered. You pushed him away slightly while laughing, and he fought against you.

"Ew no!" You complained and as he was stronger than you, he ended up pulling you into a bear hug.
"Who are Ewing at huh?" He said into your hair, secretly taking in the sweet and fresh scent of your shampoo. You didn't know it but he loved your scent, and wouldn't miss a single chance to smell it.
The way he was holding you made your knees feel weak, as they trembled along with your crazy pulse. His arms had unconsciously slipped down, circling around your waist, his face hid in the crook of your neck. The way the tip of his nose brushed against your skin made electric chills run through your whole body, comets falling down your spine.

Your brain was telling you to break the close contact, but you couldn't move. You didn't dare to move. If moving would ruin this moment, then you didn't want to. Your heart was telling you this was alright for once.
Why were you doing that to yourself? Pushing away his affection that often, when it made you feel so nice.

This time you couldn't bring yourself to reject it, him. Instead of pushing him away, you found yourself sinking into his arms, getting drunk with the smell of his cologne. It was as your mind went blank, you couldn't think of anything but him.

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