12 |:| Lighthearted Miracles

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a/n: continuation of Teiko era


During the lunch break, Rindou made her way towards the third-stringers' gym. Before she got there, she heard running footsteps coming towards her.

"Oi Satsuki! Get your bento out of here!!" Aomine yelled.

"Noooo!" Momoi yelled, running away from him so he'd have no choice but to eat the lunch she made.

Aomine then tossed the bento towards her which ended up hitting Momoi in the head.

He sweatdropped, "What a klutz,"

"Satsuki-senpai, what's up?" Rindou asked.

"Aomine-kun won't eat my bento! He never does!" She complained. ". . .and then Tetsu-kun said he won't eat it because he's apparently not hungry"

"Idiot! No one eats your cooking because it tastes like SHIT!" Aomine yelled


"You're not going to throw it out, are you?" Rindou asked.

"Well, no one wants it" Momoi sulked.

"I'll eat it"

"Ah--!? Seriously?!" Aomine yelled.

"Kaeriin!" Momoi cheered, "Here! Help yourself!"

Rindou opened up the bento and picked up a poorly wrapped onigiri (riceball) and ate it without hesitation as Aomine just waited for her to spit it out.

Instead, she chewed it for a while, trying to taste the foreign ingredients, "What is this...it's rather sour. Vinegar? No--lemon zest?" She asked while chewing.

"I heard that adding lemon zest will bring out the favor of the rice" Momoi said shyly while rubbing her cheek with her finger.

"That's if you're making a cake, senpai" She replied before swallowing.

"SHE ACTUALLY ATE IT!!" Aomine internally exclaimed as he secretly walked away. Momoi was joyfully smiling at the sight of someone eating her food since no one does.

"Hey, Kaeriin. I heard that Coach Shirogane now assigned you to manage the first-string with me," She smiled.

Rindou replied, "I don't know why though, the first-string already has you to manage them. . ."

"I do sometimes need extra help around the gym! In addition, I heard the third-stringers are moving to the second-string" Momoi said.

"I'm not so surprised, they've improved a lot"

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