17 |:| How it Ended

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The day of the tournament arrived later in the month as the second-manager was required to come along and help out. The dynamics of the miracles felt awkward to her as , and it was shown by how everyone acted around each other. They were distant and rather quiet during the past few days of competing.

"Yikes yikes, seems like they've fallen apart. They don't even look like they know each other," Ryuuji hummed as he sat in the bleachers with the rest of the second-string.

"Rindou, you didn't talk to them since?" Sudou asked.

"No... but I will today," the girl reluctantly said. "It's because they're being so difficult...!"

"It's better to get it over with. The sooner, the better."

Taking that advice, she pulled herself together and ventured out to find someone out of the five miracles. She turned to the locker room hallways and spotted Akashi, who was by himself.

"Seijurou-senpai," she called out to him as the captain stared at her. She stood in front of him with a troubled look, "hey... listen-- I just wanted to apologize about what happened a few days ago. It was rude of me to yell at you, and I should've apologized sooner."

"I also wanted to return your shirt that you let me barrow," she held out the folded shirt, expecting him to take it.

"Keep it, I have no use for it," he simply replied and averted his gaze towards the wall.

"The shirt, or the apology?" She questioned as he remained silent for a few seconds.

"What happened wasn't worth an apology, we just have different opinions and that's that," he stated. "Why care about repairing relationships? Do you think we're friends?"

His statement made her uncomfortable. "At the very least, we're somewhat acquaintances. I just perfer that there's a closure to the situation. Don't you think?"

Akashi focused his gaze on her again and noticed the Teiko jacket hanging from her shoulders, which was given to the official members of the team. Considering it was their last game before they graduate to high school, it meant that she has decided to take over the manager position for the next year.

"Sure, Kaeri. Whatever makes you feel better," he replied before walking off and leaving her behind.

Rindou returned to the bleachers after the meeting.

"So, how did it go?" Sudou asked before she sat next to him.

"Well I came back safely, didn't I?"

Ryuuji groaned, "I wish we had to option to stay back and practice! Why do we have to be here?! What's there to see except for entitled assholes playing with balls for an hour??"

"Shut your mouth, Ryuu. You literally found amusement in Testuya-senpai fainting during the previous match," Rindou furrowed her eyebrows and stared at her lap.

"Hey hey-- I wasn't amused! Just surprised," he replied in defense.

"How is his condition, by the way?" Sudou asked.

"He's completely fine, but he has to sit out for the next game. It's a shame since he was eager to play against a friend in Meiko Junior High," she replied. "Now that I mention it, I should go check up on him."

With that, she made her way to the infirmary and opened the door to see Kuroko laying in bed, staring blankly at the ceiling before turning his attention to her.

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