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Austin's POV:

Ally and I just stand in the doorway crying for what seems like forever. After we calm down a bit, we move over to a small sofa in the corner opposite to their beds and the sink. I sit down, pulling Ally into my lap gently. She nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck and continues to sob quietly. Then something happens to Dez....

His breathing gets heavier, he starts shaking almost like a seizure. He starts to choke and wheeze. I leap up startling Ally and call for a nurse,

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP! MY BEST FRIEND HE'S..HE'S... " then I stop shouting and whisper " he's..dying." Tears once again stream down my face. I just stare at my best buddy as a doctor rushes in and takes him away. Trish's hand is left dangling by her side as they are ripped apart. She starts stirring and flutters her eyes open. The light above her must be too bright because she screws them shut once again and reaches out for Dez. When she can't feel his body or bed she frantically throws her left hand at the space where her boyfriend was, just minutes ago. She then opens her eyes fully and sits up in bed, panicking.

" Where is he?" she asks kindly but when she sees the look exchanged from Ally to me and then the way we glance sympathetically at her, she gets very upset. " No! Where is he! Dez! DEZ!!" she screams out trying to get out of her bed. But the needle in her arm moves around and she falls back in agony. "No. He.He can't d.die.. Dez." she sobs, his name a whisper, barely heard. I walk over and grab her shaking hand, then beckon Ally over. We sit on he edge of Trish's bed together, holding each others hands. But our group is not complete. Not without Dez.

Doctors POV:

I rush into the room where our most injured patient is. I hear his friend calling out hysterically. I see the young red headed boy shaking violently. I notice he is holding the unconscious girls hand and I don't want to break their contact. But I have to. I have to save his life. I race down the hallways with the boy in his bed, his heart monitor dragging beside him, beeping very quickly. I take him into an examination room and check him out. I inject a needle to stop the seizing. Then something happens that no dying patient has ever done. The boy screams out " TRISH!" and bolts upright in his bed, eyes open, gasping for breath.

Dez's POV:

As the white light gets closer to me I feel the warm thing holding my hand being pulled away. I start to panick even more and try to call for help. After a while I manage to scream.

" TRISH!" I shout one last desperate time. And the light ahead fills the space around me. The light is not so heavenly now. In fact it is

fluorescent. The light I had seen was in fact the bright hospital lighting now burning my eyes. I sit up and see a doctor staring at me in astonishment, his mouth wide open. Then he resumes being professional and checks my heart rate, blood pressure and temperature. He runs a lot of tests and asks me so many questions. I answer each one truthfully and when he is finished writing on his clipboard he asks if I want anything.

" Just can I see my girlfriend? Patricia De La Rosa. She needs help! She got burned badly!" I say straight away.He nods, " Ms De La Rosa is alright, she is under our care and currently is in a stable condition apart from the burns. But the medication along with properly bandaging them up will help." I nod taking this all in. Almost as if he can read my mind he retrieves a wheelchair and lifts me into it. I stay connected to the heart monitor and the other tubes just as a precaution. The doctor then wheels me down a few hallways, finally reaching a room with the door closed. He knocks and turns the handle pushing me inside. Three heads turn towards me and I nod a thanks to the doctor as he exits the room. My friends solemn faces instantly light up and Austin and Ally rush over to hug me. I am so happy to see them. I glance up to see Trish staring into her lap. Austin sees this too and wheels me over to her bedside.

" Hey Trish baby, It's alright now, I'm here to stay. Sweetie? Are you alright?" She nods but keeps looking down at her lap, a tear rolls down her beautiful face. I catch it and hold onto her chin, lifting her up to face me. Then I lean down and kiss her nose, then her forehead, then both her cheeks, finally pressings my lips to her own. She kisses back and when I pull away she giggles. " There's that happy Trish that I love to pieces!" once again her face lights up with a smile and I pull her in for a hug. Austin and Ally smile down at us and I motion for them to join our little reunion. Then all four of us hug and hug until a nurse comes in to tell us that visiting hours are over. Austin and Ally leave after waving goodbye and another nurse brings in my bed, placing it against Trish's. She then helps me into my bed and I roll over facing Trish. We talk, snuggle and kiss until it's lights out. I grab her hand and pull her small body to mine wrapping my arms around her. At this point in time we both feel peaceful and safe. With the roller coaster of events we had today, we could stay like this forever.

Once again guys, what do you think? Also I want to know where my readers are from? I live in Australia. How 'bout you? Comment! Comment! Comment!

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