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Trish's POV:

A few days after my date with Dez, Ally and I decide to go to the mall for a girls day. We shop for a few hours before making our way to the food court. Once we arrive we go to Mini's and order our lunch. While we are waiting, I have the urge to pee and race to the ladies room. But while I am washing my hands I see the reflection of somebody behind me. Somebody who I never wanted to see again. Trent. My ex boyfriend. My ex abusive boyfriend that tortured me for pleasure. He was back. My eyes open wide and I gasp. He puts a hand over my mouth before I can scream out. I drop my purse, in shock as he drags me into a cubicle and smashes the window. He pushes me up to it and over the broken glass, dropping me onto the pavement outside. My body is in piercing pain from the glass cutting my body and the impact of the hard ground. Quickly, Trent jumps down next to me and drags me towards a car in the far parking bay. I am thrown into the boot and I feel the car pull away from the mall at top speed.

It's dark in the boot and I can't breathe properly. Then I think. My phone! I can call for help! I slide my hand into my pocket and feel around, but nothing is there. It must be back in the bathroom with my purse. I start to cry at the thought of nobody finding me. Then the car stops suddenly. I hear the sound of shoes scuffing the ground and the boot clicks open. Sunlight streams in, burning my eyes and I squint, keeping back tears. It's Trent again. He pulls me out and leads me inside a house. It looks like any other house would, apart from the fact that there are no neighbours around for miles. No neighbours to hear my screams for help. I am forced into an upstairs room. It's small with a tiny window beside an old bed. That's it. A window is good right? Wrong. It's boarded up. So I have a bed. Just a bed.

Suddenly I feel Trent take a large blow at my cheek. My face stings from the force of his hand. He punches me and the room starts to spin. I am surrounded by darkness.

Trent's POV:

God Trish is ugly! Why did I ever date her? Oh that's right, so I could win back my girlfriend, Jade. I killed Jade. I guess you could say I got bored of her. I hung her in a closet. Made it look like suicide. I stare at the unconscious girl in front of me. I rip off her clothes and force my manhood into her tight body. After a while I get bored. But I don't kill her. Not yet anyways.


Ally's POV:

Trish has been in the bathroom for ages. Our food has gone cold! I pick up my phone and walk to the ladies room. But it's empty. Where could she be? Then I see it. Her purse. On the floor. With her now smashed phone. The tap above is still running. No, no, no! My eyes find the smashed corner window. NO! She's not... She can't be...

" Gone!" I scream into the phone. I had immediately called Austin and he was on his way to the toilets now, still talking to me. He bursts through the door and I hang up.

"Her. Her purse and phone were just. Just lying on the floor. Under the tap left running. The windows smashed and. She's. She's gone. " I cry out and his face is filled with worry. Soon enough the police arrive and search for fingerprints, clues, anything. But they find nothing. She's gone.

I look up to see Austin sitting on the floor, staring into space. Losing all hope, I sit down beside him and lean my head on his shoulder.

" We have to tell him" He says after a while, " Dez has the right to know as soon as possible." I nod and we get up, making the all too short journey to Dez's house. I ring the bell and he answers looking as happy as ever. But his goofy grin fades rapidly when he notices our expression. I expected him to curl up in a shaking ball and cry. But he doesn't. He turns his back to us. And grabs his keys. He hops in his car and we follow, not asking where he is going. Because we know. He's going to find Trish. And so are we.

Trish's POV:

I wake up on the bed, all hot and sweaty, underneath the thin, prickly sheet. I groan and try to roll over. But it hurts too much. I can't remember what happened. I just know that Trent kidnapped me and brought me here. I don't know where here is. I don't know why he brought me here. But I am here. To the world, I am gone.

Trent's POV:

I hear the pathetic girl wake up and I wait a moment before entering.

" Ah Patricia! You are awake!" I say in a fake tone, continuing " And how are you, may I ask?" She mumbles a reply and I yell, getting mad" How dare you mumble! You ungrateful little slut!" I want to just slit her throat right now. She has a defiant look on her face so I amuse myself and say " You know Patricia. I AM going the kill you. So if I were you I'd be nice. Cause otherwise I'll make your death slow and painful." She looks slightly alarmed but scoffs stubbornly

" You can't kill me!" I laugh at her stupidity and ignorance. " Oh but I can Patricia! Oh but I can! I shall kill you. I don't know when. I don't know how. But I do know that I WILL kill you. And to the rest of this pathetic world, poor Trishy will be lost. Gone!" And with that I exit the room, locking her inside once again.

Dez's POV:

No! This can't be happening. Trish is... gone.

Oh no! Trish is gone! What will happen? Surely Dez will save his damsel in distress before it's too late!? Well I'll update soon so you can find out!

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