Rain, Rain, Go Away!

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Trish's POV:

The sound of rain on the roof awakens me and I roll over in bed, cuddling up to the lump beside me, that is Dez. I try to go back to sleep but the constant pattering of the raindrops and the gurgling of the drainpipe prevents me from returning to my dream. I stick out my feet searching for my slippers, but then I realise I left them downstairs. Dang it! I whip of the covers and dash to the bathroom, silently squealing at the coolness of the tiled floor. I grimace as the bathroom door screeches, causing Dez to turn in his sleep. I let out a sigh of relief as he quietly snores and I turn to see myself in the mirror. My hair is sticking out in all directions, almost ignoring gravity. My face is pale under the fluorescent light. My eyes are lined with bags showing my previous lack of sleep. I examine my wrist. Although the words have faded, they still remain imprinted into my flesh. I lift up my shirt and wince once again upon seeing my scars. I step back and look at my reflection. I look as usual, ugl... NO! You're not ugly! A voice inside my head shouts, You are amazing Trish! I shake my head in disagreement "Look at me" I whisper and the voice is at me again, Exactly Trish! Look at you, you are not ugly. You are not fat. You are PERFECT! Even Dez says so. All the time in fact! But I continue to protest against the voice, Dez must be lying... Does Dez ever lie? And I know the voice has won. Dez never lies, especially to me. So I mustn't be ugly. Or fat. Maybe I am decent. Pretty, even? But perfect? Well... I'll work on it.

I slowly open the bathroom door feeling slightly better about myself after my internal battle. I tip toe over to the door leading to the balcony and slide it open. I shudder as the cold wind and rain whips around me, stinging my face. I stare up at the dark storm clouds rolling in- I hope it doesn't keep raining, I wanted to spend the day with Dez at the beach or park. I shiver as another cold gust of wind leaves me covered in goosebumps. I groan and try to think of something Dez and I can do together.

" What's the grumpy face for?" my boyfriend says in a mocking tone. I turn and face him and see he has jokingly pouted his lips. I try to be angry with him but he is making it too difficult. I give in and walk into his arms and he squeezes me hard. I speak into his chest making my voice extremely muffled,

" What are we going to do today? It's raining!" Dez chuckles and clicks his tongue,

" Lucky for you I have something planned! "

He shoos me out as he gets dressed so I go and get myself ready, preparing for our day together.

Dez's POV:

When Trish walks down the stairs I stare at her, my jaw hits the ground. And I laugh at her. I laugh so hard that tears roll down my face. She looks surprised and questions my behaviour. Between my struggle to breathe I manage to get out, " You. You're wearing my shirt!" She grins and looks down at my orange shirt with a picture of a baby goat on it.

" It was the only warm thing I could find!" she defends herself as I attempt to stiffer my giggles, this time succeeding.

" Well I must say Miss De La Rosa, it is flattering that you admire my fashion style. And might I add you look delightful this evening!" I say in a posh accent.

Trish however just wacks me in the chest with the back if her hand,

" Oh shut it wackadoodle! It's not even evening right now.. It's 10am!!"

I laugh at my own stupidity and take Trish's small hand in my own, leading the way out the front door. I open my umbrella and we squish together to avoid the rain. However this proves difficult and we walk along at snails pace so I just let her have it, becoming instantly soaked.

We arrive in town soon enough and I make my way towards the cinema, with Trish following close at my heels. We join the line and after a long battle I pay for the tickets and Trish buys snacks. By the time we've payed for everything the movie has started so we enter the cinema and sneak into two seats, trying not to disturb the crowd of people. I take a seat and..

" Aww man this seat is wet!" I say a little too loudly, receiving dirty looks all around.

Trish and I move down the row to new seats, much to the annoyance of the people sitting behind us. Squelch!

" Eww not this one too!" I groan and somebody throws their empty popcorn bucket at me. " Dez it's you!" Trish hisses, " you're..."

But she is interrupted by an angry looking usher, " SOAKING WET!" he snaps and drags me by my collar, Trish by her arm. He leads us hurriedly out of the theatre and gives us a lecture about how immature and ignorant we are. I pull faces at him when he's not looking, making Trish giggle. We get thrown out.

Trish's POV:

After Dez and I leave the building we walk around the mall for a bit, munching in our popcorn. Then Dez pops up his umbrella and hands it to me, sheltering me as we start walking home. I laugh to myself as he runs around, splashing in the puddles. It's like I'm dating a toddler, honestly. He looks back at me, grinning wildly and I run towards him, leaping onto his back.

We muck about some more, Dez not caring about getting soaked whereas I clutch the umbrella tightly. I realise that we have reached the playground and I don't know why but I am suddenly overwhelmed with sadness. Dez runs over to me but seriousness takes over, as he somehow manages to see my tears amongst the raindrops.

" Trish?" he says softly and he runs his hand along my arm. I inwardly shiver at his gentle touch and I let out a small sob. " Tomorrow's your last day."

He wraps me in his arms and I don't mind one bit that he is wet.

" Well tomorrow will have to be the funnest day ever then, won't it!"

I smile at his attempt at comfort.

" Funnest isn't a proper word!" I tease and tug at his sleeve, leading him home. My boyfriend is shivering and if I don't get him warm soon, he'll get sick. The thought of tomorrow seems to vanish as I watch him race on, towards my house and hear his shouts muffled by the rain; "Slow poke!"

So I finally updated! Vote-Comment-Tell me what you think! Thanks for supporting me you guys!

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