Punish Me ®

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Pairing: Yoonseok
Warnings/Kinks: Puppy Hybrid Hoseok, Daddy/Baby Boy, Possessive Yoongi, Rough play, teasing, dirty talk, mild praise kink.
Ratings: Mature 18+
Requested By: Summerlilies5sos

Thanks for the request Love! Sorry I took so long but I hope you like It ~


Yoongi was Fuming.

The blonde was seated upon the sofa In the living room, Namjoon to his right and Jimin on his left, both on their phones and Yoongi was supposed to be watching TV but the older male couldn't help but stare at Hoseok messing around with Jungkook upon the floor. The ginger puppy hybrid rolling around with Jungkook as they were both play fighting and giggling, Jungkook pinning Hoseok to the floor and beginning to tickling him which made the puppy thrash and laugh harder, trying to wiggle out of the Makanes grasp and playfully tickling Jungkooks side with his tail.

The sight of someone else touching his Hoseok Inflamed the blonde male, even If they were only playing, Yoongi was pretty possessive when It came to His Lover and In his eyes they were doing It on purpose, Yoongi could practically see the grin on Jungkooks face while he had Hoseok pinned down like that.

" Can you fucking keep it down, I can't even hear myself think."

Gaining looks from Jimin and Namjoon, along with Jungkook and Hoseok at his outburst, Yoongi would stand up and glance towards Hoseok, Giving the hybrid a look that Hoseok knew all to well and the puppy blushed as Yoongi left the room.

"What's his problem? "

Jungkook would question before gasping as Hoseok pushed him off and got to his feet, the puppys tail swaying slightly as he rushed out of the living room after Yoongi, not even sparing Jungkook a sorry as he went to catch up with the blonde.

" Yoongi! Wait- "

Grasping the older males shirt from behind, they would stop suddenly and pull Hoseok towards Himself before slamming the puppys frame against his bedroom door, the blonde cutting Hoseok off with a rough possessive kiss that made the hybrids knees weak and ears flatten against his head.

" Why do you always rile Me up, do you like when daddy punishes you? "

Growling softly Into Hoseok ear, Yoongi would bite down Harshly against the exposed skin of the puppys neck, Hoseok letting out a whine as he bared his neck to the older male In submission which had Yoongi smirking and letting out a soft chuckle to how cute Hoseok was.

" I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry daddy. Please Punish me ~ "

Wrapping his arms around Yoongis neck, the older male would lift the Hybrid up and carry Him Into his room, Hoseok wrapping his legs around Yoongis waist and placing soft kisses upon the blonde neck that made Yoongis hormones go wild. Placing Hoseok upon the bed, Yoongi would pull down the hybrids Small black shorts, trailing light kisses and harsh nips down the puppys thighs before tossing the fabric onto the floor and moving to Hoseoks shirt, his fingers gripping the hem and pulling up slowly, running his tongue along the younger males torso as he earned a soft whine from the boy before he tossed Hoseoks shirt into the floor as well, leaving the hybrid in nothing but black lace panties.

" Fuck, we're did you get those from Baby? "

Rubbing circles into Hoseoks thigh with his thumb, Yoongi would let his fingers slide under the hybrids panties, caressing Hoseoks hip before gripping tightly and making the boy whimper softly.

" D-do you like Them? ~ "

" Mm, that wasn't the question daddy asked baby. "

Letting his hand trail downwards, Yoongi would slip his hand between the Hybrids legs, his Index and middle finger rubbing against Hoseoks entrance teasingly as he watched the boy wither underneath him and arch his back harshly when Yoongi pushed his fingers Inside him roughly.

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