Chapter 9

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Chen's POV

After the small ceremony we had for Jessie, all the girls went back into their room. Thankfully, Chanyeol taught me to both unlock and lock doors, so I locked it back up again. I didn't want to, but I also didn't want one of them to get hurt for the door being unlocked.

After that, I go through the stairwell to the lobby area. I peak out the small window placed on the door. I see the secretary at her desk. There is no way I can look around with her watching me. I get an idea and pull out my phone. I dial Xiumin's number. 

"Hello?" he asks groggily. 

"Xiumin, I need your help..." 



After only a few minutes, I see Xiumin walk though the door. He is dressed casually, with a hoodie and jeans. He walks in, more like trips. I can tell he's trying really hard to pull this off. I sneak into the lobby and hide behind a large plant situated by the wall. 

Once he stumbles across the room, he slouches over the desk. 

"Can I help you?" The lady asks. 

"Yeah, I want your best...if you know what I m-mean," he laughs a bit, acting tipsy. 

"Well, it comes at a price if you know what I m-mean," she copies him, unamused by his act. 

He pulls a wad of cash out his pocket with a smirk, "like this?" 

The lady gives  sweet smile to the paying customer, "your room is 28 on the second floor." 

He nods and then begins to walk towards the elevator. I catch his eye, telling him to make up something. He gets what I'm saying and starts to twirl around looking confused. 

In his confusion, the lady leaves her desk going to his aid, "I can help you to your room." 

"Thank you!" He says, laughing. They leave into the elevator and I sprint behind the desk. The computer is left on and I take a look at what she was doing. 

The screen is just the desktop. I search for files, but there aren't any. I then try looking around the lobby. The hallway is clear, with no sounds coming from it. There is only one door, behind the desk. I put my ear up to it, trying to listen for anyone in the room. Nothing. 

I slowly open it, putting my head in first. The room is trashed--beer bottles, cigarettes, and crumpled paper are strewn on the floor. I travel to the filing cabinets, looking through each one. I find one with different manila folders inside.

Each one is labeled with one of the girls' names. The first one is Mi Lin's. I quickly open it up and sift through the papers. Contracts galore are inside and one paper has her picture tapped to the top left corner. It has all of her information on it--like her birthday, birthplace, parents' names, ect. I put the files back and go to the desk. 

Many papers are scattered across the top and I analyze each one. Each stack looks like receipts, mainly for alcohol and cigarettes, which explains the state of the room. At the bottom of all the stacks and mess, I find another contract. This one though, is for a building. One thought races in my mind as I hear the door knob giggle. 

They're moving. 

My senses come to me once the door starts to creak open. I duck, finding the foot space under the desk. It's pretty large, so I sink into the area. Footsteps approach the desk, and someone sits down in the chair. 

I hear his voice, "Yes, it will be soon...all of them are here...of course I three days...just had a little lesson for someone...hell, she'll be the best one of our bunch, I promise you that...are you serious...I'll call you back." He hung up talking to whoever he was talking to. 

They're moving in three days. He has Mi Lin.

I hear him slam his fist on the desktop atop me, followed my something smashing on the wall--probably another bottle. My breath shakes as I try to hide in every noise. 

"Dammit, that girl..." he growls, getting up and stomping out. I hear him leave with the door slamming. I get out from under the desk and rush to the door, looking out. The receptionist is back, and I can't get out. 

I send Xiumin a quick text saying, Help!

Within seconds he rushes out of the elevator screaming, "there was something in the bed!" The receptionist freaks out and runs to his room upstairs. I take the opportunity and sprint out of the office, back into the stairwell. 

I run to the basement, praying that the man wasn't talking about Ji Su. I hide behind a wall at the end of the hallway and wait. I hear their door open and see the man. He is tall, with bulging arms covered in sleeves of tattoos. 

He is dragging one of the girls by their hair behind him. She is screaming in pain, and I watch as he takes her into the elevator with him, making sure to lock the door back up. 

What do I do?

I can't rush to her aid, or he will kill us all. Or worse, keep us just enough alive to feel his torture. 

I instead turn my face behind the wall, trying to drown out the sounds of her soul-ripping screams. Soon, it ends, and I slam my hand on the wall, angry with myself for not being smart enough, strong enough, or brave enough to do anything. I run to the door and unlock it, finding all of the girls freaking out on the inside. 

Ji Su rushes to me, turning my face from side to side, "I thought you were hurt...or worse." She pulls me into a hug. I embrace her back. 

"He took Ha Na...she didn't do anything!" Ji Su shutters in my arms.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Everyone, sit down...I found some information." 

They all do as they're told and take seats, all looking at me with anticipation for good news. 

"You're boss sold the building and is moving all of you." Gasps erupt from throughout the room. 

"And he has Mi Lin." I mutter. 

Everyone's eyes are brimming with tears, I try to look away, not wanting to cry myself. 

"I guess that's it then..." Ji Su says.

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