Dinner and dreams

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Ten minutes later.

"And here is the Hermes cabin." Percy says leading me up to the cabin. "This is where you'll stay till we know who your godly parent is." Percy informs me.

"Cool. Who do you think my godly parent is?" I ask.

"Well I think that your godly parent will probably be your dad since your mom... you know ." He says awkwardly. There is a loud horn blast that must signal some cool demigod gathering.

"That is the dinner horn. Just follow your cabin mates and I'll try and meet up with you later." Percy tells me.

"K. Thanks Salty." I start to follow a bunch of skinny elvish looking kids that will be my temporary cabin mates.

Dinner was even better than Sally Jackson's blue pancakes. We had pulled pork, mashed potatoes, green beans, and any non alcoholic drink we wanted. Yum. Once we where all done eating Chiron stood up and started making announcements.

"Hello campers. As you may or may not have noticed we have a new camper. Lisa will you please stand." Chiron says. Oh fudge this is gonna be embarrassing. I stand up awkwardly, almost falling. Great, embarrassment level 100.

"There now you know what she looks like you can all go back to your boring lives" Mr.D says. I sit back down grateful to feel the solid bench under my butt.

"Now now Mr.D you forgot to say that we will be having a game of capture the flag tomorrow." Chiron scolds.

"Wewillbehavingagameofcapturetheflagtomorrow" Mr.D mutters like a grumpy toddler. All the campers start wandering off muttering excitedly. I wander off back to my temporary cabin, find a spot on the floor to sleep on and as soon as I lay down I fall in to a dream. I never dream, but Percy says that dreams are very common when you are a demigod. Let me tell you, demigod dreams are not fun. At all.

I dream about I dark creepy cave. Witch is always a fun thing to dream about. In the freaky cave there is a boy with sandy blond hair, a scar, and crazy blue eyes slumped on the floor trying to stand up, but every time he try's to he stumbles and collapses again. He lets out a frustrated grunt and mutters

"Dam monsters why did you have to break my ankle." Ok so this kid is probably a demigod. I wonder where he is? It almost looks like a cave in Canada I once saw in a documentary. I hear the same noise that the monster made when it tried to attack me. The kid starts backing up towards the wall.

"Not another one." The boy complains. And the dream cuts out. I don't know who that kid is, but I think I have to find him, and soon.

A/n oh boy it's getting interesting who do you think the boy with the blue eyes is???

Lol you will never know hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha




Stay whelmed

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