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Rin and Len walked slowly up the mountain side. They were shivering, Rin had lost her hairpin, Len's feet were sore, and both had faces of sorrowful regret.

"Rin, why did you protect me? If you didn't, you wouldn't have to be going through this. You don't deserve this." Len whispered.

"And you do? Len, you are my twin. We go through everything together, including this magical​ thing! You know what they do to witches and warlocks, Len. I had to step up." Rin answered.

"I bet Oliver hates me know."

"Why would he ever hate you?!"

"I denied him my blessing in marriage. The girl was kind, and she didn't seem tainted, but I was stubborn and stupid. Then I shot ice at him! I was also hiding this from him for years and yelled at him when we were young, and closed him out. No elder brother should ever do such a thing, Rin."

"Len, I'm sure Oliver understands why you kept it from him and now understands why you yelled and why we closed him out. The ice was involuntary, and I know he'd forgive you about about the blessing thing."

"What makes you so sure...?" Then Rin grabbed Len and store right into his icy blue eyes, Len looking into her chlorine blue eyes.

"If I know one thing about Oliver, it's that he sees beauty in everything. And you are no exception. He could probably even see beauty in our magic." Rin said sadly.

"How can anyone find beauty this... Curse!" Len retorted. Rin have a strained smiled. Then she turned around and used her magic. The snow swirled and slowly began to form a boy. No, a snowman.

"Ryuto..." Len reminisced. Rin nodded. Then she used the magic again, creating flowers made of pure ice. Rin gasped, surprised she made something so beautiful.

Len looked at his hand reluctantly. Then he used his own magic to create a spiraling ice sculpture if nothing in particular. He looked at it in awe and amazement.

"See, Len?" Rin smiled. "It's beautiful." Len smiled back.

"You know, Rin, no one is up here..." The two grinned at each other. Rin threw her glove to the ground and stomped on it for good measure. Len took it off slowly and threw it in the air. They watched as it was carried by the wind, away from their lives.

Rin ran excitedly, falling into the snow, and throwing it into the air. Len followed suit, dog piling on top of Rin. The two laughed like they were kids again.

They had twinkles in their eyes that they thought had long been gone. They took their shoes off and threw them down the mountain. They were no longer cold, probably because they had accepted the magic.

Rin took her ice flowers and decorated her hair. Len looked at a cliff above him that broke him off from the mountain top.

"Rin. A little help?" Len asked. Rin turned and looked at the cliff. She smiled.

"Sure!" She laughed as she ran playfully toward her brother. They held each other's hands and gripped them tightly. The blondes reached out toward the cliff, and immediately, ice formed a bridge for them.

Unable to hold their excitement, they ran up the bridge, twirling, dancing, jumping, and holding their arms out, as if to embrace the sky. When they reached the top, they were so dizzy they fell onto the snow. The grinning twins smiled at one another.

Len got up, then helped Rin up. They continued to hold hands and grin at each other as they stomped rebelliously on the ground. Ice formed around their feet and they were lifted high into the air.

Then they finally broke apart and headed to the opposite sides of the circle they had made. They began to shoot ice everywhere and form walls, statues, doors, stairs, and all without any care about design or structure.

They then went out of one of the doors made into a balcony. Rin and Len embraced each other tightly before looking out over the mountains.

"WE'RE FREE!" The two shouted at the top of their lungs. Even after all that had happen, here, exiled into the mountains, was where they felt happiest.

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