Facts About (M/N)

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(F/C) leather jacket, (F/C) finger less gloves, black, grey, and white plaid shirt (first button undone), (F/C) leather pants, black combat boots


(Long/Medium/Short), (H/C) hair, (S/C) skin, (E/C) eyes, slender body


Speaking his mind, making rude comments, talking with Erza, hurting people he doesn't like (friends don't count), torturing his friends (by making them pay him debt and other stuff like that), finger less gloves, combat boots, being hugged (sometimes, and mostly by Natsu), Natsu (sometimes)


People who talk a lot (like Lucy), babysitting (Natsu, Gray, etc.), people who annoy him, being called scary, being talked back to, jokes (all kinds, really boring I know), constant hugging (mostly by Natsu), people seeing his other side (basically the opposite of what he's usually like, except Natsu), alcohol


Why Natsu hugs him, why he trusts Natsu more than everyone else


Training, reading, babysitting (mostly Natsu but other people too)


Threatens someone when saying something he doesn't like, using violence when babysitting, raising an eyebrow when curious or confused, twitches eyebrow when losing patience

Favorite Color:

*Insert favorite color(s)*

Favorite Food:

Foods that aren't processed (cake, yogurt, burger, smoothie, etc.)


Has no allergies


Sarcastic, cruel, cynical, sadistic, intelligent, shrewd, calculating, calm, level-headed, violent, rude, brutally honest, handsome (but never notices), oblivious (when it comes to romance)


Devil's Luck


"(M/N)'s so awesome! I wanna be just as strong as him someday! But I don't want to be mean and scary though." ~Natsu

"(M/N)'s nice but scary at the same time! But he's a lot nicer when he brings me fish!" ~Happy

"(M/N) acts like a jerk sometimes but he's okay. But he can be really scary too! Don't ever mess with him." ~Lucy

"Though he may be quite intimidating, I still enjoy having conversations with (M/N), whether it may be updates about the guild's current state or anything else in general such as our own interests." ~Erza

"The guy's okay, I guess. But he's a total mystery. But I do like that about him. He has this mysterious charm to him. Agh! Where are my clothes?!" ~Gray

*More will be added*


(M/N) is a walking, talking mystery that everyone in the guild wants to solve. He manages to avoid the questions without looking suspicious. No one knows anything about him except Natsu. They go interrogate him. But he either leaves for a job or be an idiot as usual.

When someone mentions a certain topic or subject, he freezes up and panics on the inside. He is unable to calm himself down until someone snaps him out of it. If it's anyone else, he'd pretend to shrug it off or tell them he's fine. But no matter how good his acting is, Natsu never fell for it. Very surprising since he's an idiot. For some reason, the dragon slayer could see right through him. He tried many times to persuade the surprisingly smart, but still stupid, boy. He eventually gave up and told him everything. From the beginning to the very end. Trying to leave out details but got caught every time.

(M/N) listens to people's problems. He knows everyone's backstories and personal issues. He carries their problems on his shoulders despite having his own. That's how much he cares, even though he doesn't act like it. (M/N) has a soft spot for his guild members. But he also keeps many of his friends' secrets to hide his own. Natsu comforts him when he needs it most. He would hug him if he needed to. Which he did every time he saw the man. It's no mystery that they're both really close. Everyone still tries to solve the mystery of (M/N) and are glad Natsu's with him when he's needed.

A/N: No, this is not a Natsu x Male Reader. You guys are just so close, you get to the point where you're comfortable with physical contact. Well, Natsu does anyway(:3).Most men don't hug each other. Most of them think it's weird and 'gay'. Not all men though! Not trying to be mean! I'll shut up now. See ya, I guess. I'm gonna go to sleep.

P.S. If you want Natsu x Male Reader action (get your minds outta the gutters), then I'll do an extra chapter. It doesn't have to be JUST Natsu though. It can be anybody. It can be Gray, Erza, or even Lucy. I don't care. As long as you want an extra chapter about you and a character, I'll do it. As long as they're in the current arcs or close to them. For example, Laxus was at the beginning of the Galuna Island arc so you and him can be shipped in a random ass chapter or something. Alright, I'll stop wasting your time now. Bye bye.

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