Christmas Special

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"No. No. Fuck no. Not happening!"

"Come on, (M/N)! It'll be fun!"

"Let go of me!"

"Please! I beg you! Everyone wants you to perform for this year's Christmas festival!"

"Well too bad cause I'm not doing it!"

Natsu tackled (M/N) and had him straddled. He held on tightly, fully aware of his friend's strength. The whole guild watched as the lucky wizard shouted curses and the dragon slayer holding on like his life depended on it.

"What is it this time?" Lucy asked.

"It's the annual Christmas festival. Each member of the guild does an opening performance. And it is mandatory for each member to participate," Erza informed.

"Yeah. And fire breath has yet to make him do it," Gray said.

"But why Natsu of all people?"

"They've known each other for a long time. I don't even know how they met," Happy stuffed a raw fish in his mouth.

"But that still doesn't answer my question. Why are you guys having Natsu convince him to do it? Couldn't you get someone else do it?"

"Well that's the thing. Everyone else already went."

"So it's (M/N)'s turn to do the opening performance. It's not frequent that he goes on stage."

"(M/N) has to give up eventually. That's how determined Natsu is."

Team Natsu sweat dropped as the (S/C) wizard struggled to shove the pink haired boy off of him.

"Um, I don't think (M/N)'s giving up anytime soon," the blonde sweated.

"They've been at it for two hours," Mira pointed out.

"Two hours?! Jeez! He really doesn't want to do that opening performance!"

"He was able to last almost an entire day in Natsu's clutches," the redhead informed.

"An entire day?! That's what I call persistent!"

"I'm surprised he isn't dead yet. Gray, your clothes," Cana commented before drinking a barrel of alcohol. He freaked out.

"I gotta admit. That kid's a real man. I can't even talk to him without getting chills," Elfman shivered.

"The festival starts in five hours. That pyro better hurry it up if he wants that performance to happen," the ice wizard said.

"Yes. It would be nice to watch (M/N) display his talents every once in a while," the armored woman spoke.

"Come on! You only have to do it once! It's not that bad!"

"Get the hell off, bastard!" (M/N) pounded his fist on the pink haired wizard's head in an attempt to free himself. But only achieved in giving him more bruises. Every wizard that was near them backed away quickly to not get involved.

Lucy's head was covered in sweat, "Shouldn't we stop him? I don't think Natsu can take much more of his beatings!"

The dark blue haired man waved his hand, "Nah. He's fine. He can take it."

"How can you even say that?! He's getting pummeled out there!"

"Actually, out of everyone in the entire guild, Natsu's the toughest," Mira stated.

"Oh yeah? What makes you say that?"

"Well think about it. (M/N) is always beating him."

"There's not a day where he doesn't."

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