Hide and Seek (Fairy Tail)

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(I wrote this after being inspired by this song. God I'm weird. Enjoy! :3)

It was a normal day at the very destructive guild known as Fairy Tail. Male wizards fighting, females avoiding the fights, Team Natsu doing the usual routine. Nothing exciting happened in the span of one week. Boring, dull, and uneventful. Not until one particular day.

"My children! We are going to be hosting a tournament!"

"A tournament? Seriously?"

"Well nothing's happened for the past week. We could use a little excitement."

Wizards murmured to each other about their master's announcement. To say they were ecstatic was an understatement.

"Seriously Gramps?! Cool! Whatever it is I'll beat all of you!"

"Please. Like you have a chance flame brain."

"What'd you say icicle?!"

Natsu and Gray butted heads, surrounded by orange and purple auras. Everyone sweat dropped at the pair before shivering when they felt a deadly presence. The lucky wizard was already towering over the barely conscious males with a glare.

"That's (M/N) for ya! Bashing skulls all day, every day!" Happy spoke.

"Is violence the only way he knows how to do things?" Lucy sweated as she watched two of her friends hug each other while cowering in the (H/C) haired man's presence.

"Listen up! Since nothing exciting happened for the past week, I thought we'd hold a tournament!"

"What is it?!"

"I'm so hyped!"

"I'll win for sure!"

"It is....."

Everyone watched in anticipation. Sweating and staring intensely as the master kept them all in suspense. He hummed, enjoying the looks he received from the entire guild. He cheekily grinned before his announcement.

"We're playing....."

Again, everyone was either standing stiffly or sitting at the edge of their seats. They were sweating like crazy. They were exhausted from anxiousness and suspense. They grew impatient as some of them started shouting for him to hurry up. One of them even passed out from the stress of not knowing. Finally, the tense atmosphere was gone.

"Hide and Seek!"

The entire building turned white and comically fell over. Shouting simultaneously in shock and disbelief. Saying that nobody was happy about the announcement was an understatement.

"'Hide and Seek'? Seriously Gramps?" Gray retorted.

"Uh I don't get it," Lucy sweat dropped.

"I don't either," Erza joined.

"W-Wait. Did Gramps just say 'H-Hide and S-Seek'?" Natsu stuttered.

"What? You scared fire breath?"

"Pshh! No way! I'm not scared at all!" Natsu waved his hand frantically, sweating bullets.

"He is so lying," his friends thought.

"I think it sounds fun," Mira giggled.

"It will start tomorrow so get ready!"

Makarov walked away. Everyone then went back to their normal routine but this time, hyped for the next day. Some were still a bit flabbergasted. Others were looking forward to the event.

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