Admirer ?

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Hello! I apologise for the lack of updates of this story but i have been unmotivated recently. But im back and ready to start writing again for good! Its winter break and i have two weeks to write this book and my other Hamilton book. And i just wanted to thank you all for 1K on this book and for all your support! And i would love some feed back on how this book is doing! Love you guys💞

Warning⚠️ ~ rape, sexual assault

"Charles Lee?" You question looking back at your father. He gave you a slight a nod.
Infont of you, stood a handsome young man in full uniform. He pushed a hand through his shaved undercut, his cheeks dusted with pink at the sight of you.

"Miss Washington may i say you look beautiful in Lavander" Charles says referring to your dress as he walks over to you; presses a kiss on your knuckle.
"Oh thank you?" You say giving a confused look.
As you look down you see smirk creep on his face as he looks up at
You take your hand quickly away from him stepping away a bit.

"Lee would you like to join us for breakfast?" Your father ask's resting a hand on his shoulder.
"Well, if im not intruding general" scratching the back on his neck.
"Of course not, have a seat." Giving him a smile then taking a seat next to your mother.

As you walk to your seat at the table , Charles took a seat right next you. You could feel his eyes looking upon you.
He scooted closer, as you ate making you uncomfortable. He barley ate any of his food, he would just stare at you. Finally you had enough, put your fork down resting an hand on your lap. Your eyes travel up to your father as he ate and spoke try to make the situation less awkward.

"So father how was the venue last night?" You ask trying to make conversation.

"Oh well last-"
Suddenly your father's sentence was cut off by a loud thud outside the front door.
You look over to the front seeing a maid rush to see what the commotion was about. As she opens the door, you see Laf with his back turned wiping the dirt from his uniform.

Did he fall from the window?
You look over to see your father stand up and walk to the front door.
"Monsieur Lafayette?" George questions seeing his friend so unexpectedly.
Laf looks behind him surprised but goes along with it.

"Ah General Washington your looking well as always." He says giving him a smile.
You father returns with a laugh.
"What brings you here?"
"W-Well you see I needed to t-talk to you about something." He stubbles with his words.
"Oh alright, well since your here would you like to stay for breakfast?"He asks rubbing the back of his neck.
Laf gives him a nod and follows behind him. As they enter into the dining room, Laf makes eye contact with you and turns his head quickly to avoid

You give him a weak smile as he takes a seat across from you.
"What the hell are you doing?!" You whisper to him.
"I panicked, pardonne moi. ."
You couldnt stay mad at him, his accent made you weak and you let out a sigh. As you ate Lafayettes eyes never left you, his brown eyes looked you up and down. The site of you in such a tight fitted dress made you look irresistible to him. A blush spreaded across your cheeks you as he smirked at you.

As you finish with breakfast you see Charles stand up, he lets out a sigh before asking George a question. "Washington sir?"
"Yes Charles?" He questions raising an eyebrow.
"May I take your daughter for a walk around the gardens? He asked as he put his hand over yours, you quickly pushed his hand off. There was a moment of silence in the room as Charles quickly puts his arms behind his back waiting for a response.
"Um. . yes Charles?

You look to your father with a questionable look on your face. He then gives you a look telling you to get up. A light growl could be heard from infront of you, Laf was gripping the table sheet. Was he jealous?
You stand up from your seat and walk outside with Charles. In the garden, the sun was covered by clouds making it look like it was about to rain. But you ignored it. You walked beside Charles, he opened the gate to the garden to let you in.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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