Chapter One: Coffee, Tea, or Me?

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Maybe redemption has stories to tell.
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell.
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here.

— Dare You to Move by Switchfoot


"Go!" A pretty redhead hisses, giggling breathlessly, as she nudges her blushing friend toward the cafe's counter.

Uni students. One of them nursing a severe crush for the barista.

Other than the delicious coffee, tea, and pastries the small cafe is well known for, it is the barista that keep the crowds coming back for more. Especially the women and quite a number of men.

Its hardly surprising given how bloody attractive the bloke is.

He's tall and slender, yet toned in such a way that leaves one wanting to see more as his well-fitted white shirt and black trousers pulled and slid over his svelte frame. His shock of silky, white-blond hair that falls well past his jawline, is left untamed, except for when he tucks it behind one ear. Every so often, he would rake long slender fingers through his tousled mane, swiping wayward locks off his forehead, revealing stormy grey eyes that seem so closed off from the rest of the world.

The man is beautiful.

And he's nice to boot.

Always a ready smile for the customers; a witty banter with the regulars. And yet, he keeps a certain distance between him and everyone else. Its as though there's an invisible wall that keeps him isolated from the outside world, even when he's interacting with it. It gives him an air of mystery that only adds to his charm.

The blushing girl steps up to the counter and gingerly clears her throat, her green eyes shimmering too brightly behind her frameless lenses.

"Hi, Draco." she timidly greets, unable to contain the smile breaking across her flushed face.

The barista looks up from the macchiato he's preparing, his ever present half-smile on his face, his eyes though remains carefully guarded.

"Hello, Natalie." Draco replies as he expertly finishes the espresso drink. "The usual?"

"Ah, sure, yes please." The girl, Natalie, clears her throat again. She watches as Draco smiles politely at the customer who had ordered the macchiato, passing the drink over.

"Coming right up." Draco aims his disarming grin at her as he wipes his hands on a tea towel slung over his shoulder.

His smiles are beautiful. Natalie has always thought that. But they never seem to reach his eyes. She's positive she isn't the only one who has noticed this. As a matter of fact, not much ever shows in Draco's eyes. They're always shuttered. The only time she had ever seen a fleeting glimpse of something in his eyes was the first time she'd come to the cafe. He had met her gaze with that lopsided smile of his only to have it falter. And something... something had flickered in their depths, like a flash of lightning amidst storm-grey clouds.

She saw pain.

And longing.

But it had disappeared far too quickly. She would have fully believed she'd imagined it if not for the fact that Draco had gone visibly pale for a moment before he'd recovered with a bit of effort.

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