Chapter Seventeen: Through the Haze

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No one knows what it's like,
you and me, you and I.
Underneath the night sky,
you and me, you and I.

I get lost all the time
in my thoughts, in my mind.
You come through like a light
in the dark, give me sight.

If you let my soul out—
It will come right back to you.

Nitesky by Robot Koch


"Penny for your thoughts."

Harry startles from his musings, looking up to find Hermione standing in the kitchen doorway.

"A Knut, you mean." He grins, pouring a second cup of tea.

"Muggleborn." Hermione deadpans, approaching the dining table.

Harry snorts in amusement, levitating the cup towards her. "That was quick. I wasn't expecting you 'til later." He turns towards the empty owl perch. "Enyo isn't even back yet."

It had taken him ages to gather up the courage to finally get a new familiar. He had been reluctant; his insides squirming at the thought of replacing Hedwig. Even after all these years, his chest still ached at the thought of his beloved friend.

Hermione takes a seat across from him, accepting the proffered cup with a murmured, "Thanks."

She adds a splash of milk, looking up at him in surprise. "I didn't get your message. I left the house before the poor girl even got there. She made the trip for nothing." She takes a sip, eyeing Harry warily over the rim of her cup. "I came early because I wanted to discuss what we talked about yesterday..."

Harry nods, suppressing a grimace. He's been trying to figure out how to break the news to Draco. He hadn't been able to tell him about Hermione's plan to speak with Narcissa. He couldn't be blamed, really. He'd been a tad... preoccupied this morning.

A faint blush creeps up Harry's neck when he recalls the reason for his distraction. He shifts in his seat; his jeans suddenly feeling far too snug as memories of his and Draco's heated kiss float to the forefront of his mind.

It had started slow, gentle—

Draco's mouth is warm; his soft, full lips just brushing against Harry's at first. He's trembling, but Harry takes his time, coaxing him—a nip here, a teasing lick there—until breathy, little sounds are stuttering out of Draco and then his mouth opens for Harry. With low groan, Harry slides his tongue in, tangling with Draco's in a sweet, sensual dance.

Harry feels Draco melt against him, like candle wax. He brings one hand around, cradling the back of Draco's head, threading his fingers through soft, blond hair. Draco moans into his mouth, low and ragged. The sound of it ignites a white-hot flare of desire deep in Harry's gut.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2018 ⏰

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