Chapter Fifteen: Medicine

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Pick it up,
pick it all up.
And start again.
You've got a second chance,
You could go home.
Escape it all.
It's just irrelevant.
It's just medicine.

Medicine by Daughter


"Hermione?" Terry nearly squeaks, but manages to sound almost normal as Hermione stomps over to him.

"Where is he?" She grits out.

"He's busy." Terry says lamely, glaring at Smithers as the latter scurries away. Tsk. Bloody coward. The quality of Auror Trainees have seriously plummeted these past few years.

Pursing her lips into a tight line, Hermione stares at the closed door behind Terry. She could hear Harry's voice coming from within. "I need to talk to him. Its urgent."

"If its about Ron. He already knows, Hermione." Terry sighs, steeling himself from her piercing stare. "He's briefing a team of Aurors as we speak—"

Hermione blinks, grabbing Terry's arms in a vice-like grip. "Ron? What about Ronald?"

"Isn't that why you're here?" He asks, confused. "Ron was hurt during an investigation. They were ambushed by NDE's—"

"Oh my god." Hermione gasps, cold dread gripping her. "I—" She trails off, shaking her head.

The door is suddenly yanked open and Parvati's annoyed face peeks out. Surprised at the sight of Hermione, she quickly glances over her shoulder at Harry, who has also noticed his best friend. Harry's impassive face cracks when he sees Hermione's bloodless pallor. Immediately thinking that something had happened to Ron, he quickly strides out into the hallway. Terry deftly steps into the conference room and closes the door, leaving Harry and Hermione alone in the corridor.

"What's wrong, 'Mione? What happened? Is Ron alright—?"

"Oh my god, Harry! I had no idea about Ron. I came here because of Draco—"

Equally agitated, they both talk over each other.

Hearing Draco's name, Harry stops and quickly casts a wordless Muffliato. He grabs Hermione's arm, trying to get her attention. "Draco?" He prompts. "What about him?"

"Is Ron at St. Mungo's? I wasn't there! Oh, Harry, is he alright?" Hermione continues to babble.

"Ron is—" Harry exhales, massaging his forehead. "I honestly don't know, 'Mione. I haven't seen him. Dean took him straight to Mungo's." He says quietly, a touch of exhaustion colouring his voice. He looks up, frowning. "But you mentioned Draco. What happened?"

Suddenly remembering why she'd come looking for Harry, Hermione stops and takes a deep breath. She then glares at him accusingly, "You left him at Grimmauld Place all by himself!" She jabs a finger into his chest. "How could you, Harry? You know how ill he is! Draco shouldn't be left alone!"

Harry's frown deepens. "I thought you said he's doing fine—"

"He's gotten so weak! He barely has any energy to get him through the day! I—I have a feeling... I'm not sure yet, but if my suspicions are correct—Draco is..." She hesitates; her lips trembling as she stares into Harry's eyes. "He's losing his Magic and I think that's the cause of his malaise. I did another Diagnostic Scan on him yesterday. I could barely sense his Magic at all! A few days ago, I could still distinctly feel it, but now—"

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