Chapter Fourteen: Breakdown

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Drink up, babydoll.
Mmm, are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind
'cause it's all going off without you.
Excuse me, too busy,
oh, writing your tragedy.
These mishaps, you bubble wrap when you've no idea what you're like.

So, let go
and jump in.
Oh, well what you waiting for?
It's all right
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown.

So, let go.
Just get in.
Oh, it's so amazing here.
It's all right
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown.

Let Go by Frou Frou


Days passed, nearly a week, and Draco hasn't seen hide nor hair of Potter. Harry hasn't returned to Grimmauld Place since he left. And despite his resolution to have nothing further to do with the man, Draco knows its impossible. Everything in the house reminds him of Harry. Even Harry's scent continues to linger, despite his continued absence. 

Draco is beside himself with worry and he's going absolutely spare.

He's furious with himself for worrying and he's even more furious at Potter for making him worry. Its a vicious, ridiculous cycle. However, he'd sooner wrestle with a troll than ask Hermione about the Chosen Git's whereabouts.

Draco has been in a foul mood the past couple of days, despite his best efforts to seem unaffected, and Hermione certainly isn't called the brightest among them for nothing. She's already been giving him speculative looks; the calculating gleam in her eyes making Draco twitch involuntarily. Dating Pansy Parkinson has definitely had a negative influence on her, Draco thinks.

"What's the matter, Draco?" Hermione asks softly, looking up as Draco slams the book he's been pretending to read shut.

Draco shrugs dismissively, picking up another thick tome from the monstrous stack piled high on the table. Ancient Blood Magic. His eyebrows practically disappear into his hairline as he reads the rather ominous title. Although not truly considered Dark, some Blood Magic are definitely toeing the thin line between what is and isn't considered questionable. 

Biting back an exhausted yawn, knowing it'll only worry Hermione even more, Draco avoids her inquisitive gaze; his eyes wandering the spacious room. The Black Family Library has quite the impressive collection of rare books. It's so extensive that it could even rival the Restricted Section at Hogwarts. The library at Malfoy Manor easily pales in comparison.

For the past few days, just after lunch, Hermione would Floo straight to Grimmauld Place from St. Mungo's and they would hole up in the Library, researching. After retrieving the old journal from Draco's flat, Hermione had quite literally read the entire thing, from cover to cover, in a matter of a few hours. It was then that she discovered that the details outlining the effects of the Sang Impur Potion was incomplete; a few pages had been torn off. Worried by the discovery, Hermione had quickly turned to researching Spells and other Potions with similar characteristics; all to no avail. They have yet to find anything.

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