Chapter 3 - Let Me Love You

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September 1st 2017
8:30 AM

Everyone was awake and eating breakfast except for yoongi and jungkook. It's a rule not to wake yoongi up on an off day and no one were brave enough to do it either and for jungkook, well no one was ready to wake him up as they were all aware of the situation between him and jimin and they didn't want the atmosphere to become awkward so they let him wake up on his own.

Meanwhile jimin was very nervous and kept glancing at the door to the room in which jungkook was sleeping. V noticed this and tried to distract jimin by doing silly things which successfully made jimin laugh. "jimin ah what are you doing today? Wanna go shopping?" asked V. "Well.. I don't know tae, i thought of spending time with..hmm I just don't feel like going out" jimin said with a frown.

"Oh pleasee! It'll be fun its been so long since we had a day off and -".. "leave him alone V, you can go with hobi" jin interrupted. "No i can't, i promised jungkook I'll help him organize his party, sorry tae. Hey you can come with us!." hobi said. "Okay!" V said happily.. "What about you monnie" asked jin. "Ah i have to go to the studio for a few hours, will be back before jk's party don't worry" namjoon smiled and said looking at jin's worried expression.

9:00 AM

Hobi was sitting on the couch watching TV and Namjoon was reading the news paper and tae was playing video games. Jimin and jin were talking in the kitchen while cleaning and suddenly they heard the door open. Jimin's heart skipped a beat but he didn't turn to look. "Happy Birthday" everyone said and he heard a faint thank you. He slowly turned to look at jungkook and jumped a little when he locked eyes with him, he could tell he was very angry. Jimin quickly looked away and focused on cleaning the dishes his heart still racing.

Jungkook started to approach the kitchen and Jin noticed the situation then went close to jungkook and hugged him and wished then went to the living room. Jimin felt even more nervous as he noticed that jungkook was beside him looking inside the fridge for food.

Jimin was done with the dishes and he slowly washed his hands and turned to look at jungkook who was busy eating his cereal. Jimin didn't know what to do. He gathered up soms courage and sat in the chair next to jungkook. Jungkook didn't look up.

"Jungkook ah I-.." "No need of explanation" jungkook interrupted jimin, jimin's heart ached. "Happy birthday" jimin said slowly but jungkook didn't react. Jimin continued "please baby, i swear -".. "jimin" jungkook said in a low deep voice that scared jimin so he didn't say anything and just sat there quietly. Jungkook finished his cereal then quickly got up, washed his bowl and went straight to the living room without looking at jimin which pained jimin even more.

12:30 PM

Namjoon and yoongi ( who finally woke up from his hibernation) were getting ready to go to the studio. Jk, V and Hobi were also ready to go the venue where the party was going to take place after hobi finally managed to drag V and jk out of their video game room "Aish, jk! Its YOU who wanted my help remember, now come on" hobi said "fine fine" jk protested when he dragged them out. Jin and jimin told everyone they were gonna stay home but were actually planning for the surprise.

Jimin and jimin were alone in the house. Jin was talking on the phone and making the necessary arrangements and jimin was upset but kept distracting himself by planning which movie to watch, His favorite was The Notebook but jungkook like Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, He couldn't decide and let out a frustrated sigh.

"What's wrong? Jin asked concerned." i can't choose which movie to watch! " jimin said in a frustrated tone. Jin quickly said"Choose the one that you both love" said jin. "Which one?" jimin asked. "TITANIC of course".jin said and Jimin's face lit up. "Thanks again hyung" he said gratefully. "All done, Everything is arranged for my favorite couple in the c  whole world." Jimin threw himself at jin and hugged him even tigher. "You're Cho- Choking me" said jin.. "oh sorry" said jimin smiling. "You owe me big time park jimin" jin said in a business like tone. Jimin smiled even wider and nodded.
                                  ~to be continued ~

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