Chapter 2

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"Hmm..." Said Max as he examined the piece of paper. "Whatever or whoever sent this has got to be pretty posh. To use this sort of paper."

"More to the point, Max at least we know that whoever or whatever sent the letter. It's name begins with 'R'." I explained.

"Urg! Come on you have got to have at least some information! You dumb, stupid computer!" Gemma exclaimed while hitting the computer hard. Hard enough to wobble the computer slightly but light enough as not to damage it.

"Come on there has to be some information! We just need the right resouces." Max said whilst and idea popped into my head.

"Books!" I exclaimed, "That's it! Books."

"Nice going, Mels!" Gemma compliments. "I'm going to stay here and look up books on houses built in 1809. You guys go ahead."

"You sure, we'll stay with you if you want."

"Nah! I'll be fine. See ya later."

"Ok whateves give me a buzz if you find anything." Max pulls at my arm. "Yes Max, what?"

"Do you mind if i stay round yours again?" Max asks, a slight nervousness in his voice.

"Oh, Max! Not again! Tell me you did not leave your baby brother in TESCO'S AGAIN!" I almost shout at him.

"No." Max looks down at his shoes rubbing one foot over the other. "Maybe, Yes."

"Ok thats it! Next time you are going to tesco's with Jaime, i am coming with you!." I say scolding him lightly. Max chuckles under his breath "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing. Just raaar!" He says as he tickles me as i squirm under his arms. "Oh Max, stop it! Stop it, stop it, stop it!I left my keys in the study hall. I'm such a dope!" I exclaimed as he stopped tickling me.

"You are such a dope! A forgetful dope!" Max exclaimed.

"Not a big a dope as you are!" I retaliated. We walked back to the study hall playfully punching each other. When we got to the study hall gemma wasn't there but here bag was open and left abandoned. I went to go and pick up my keys along with her bag and to head off for next class. I found a note by the computer she was working at it was torn and the writing was scrappy. It read 'Stop looking, or you'll friend wil...' It only read up to there because the rest of the note was torn off. "Max!" I half yelled at him. "What?" He replied.

"Come here!" I said my voice getting shakier with each letter.

"Yes what is it Mel's what's up?" Max asked me. I pointed my finger towards the note it was then i noticed my whole body was shaking. I felt all the colour drain from my face. "Mel's what's wrong?" Max started to look really concerned. I grabbed a hold off the nearest chair and sat my self down. "Max look." I managed to say as i once again pointed to the note.

"No, NO,no, no,no! You don't think it means." He says realising the situation whilst the colour drained from his tanned face. "Let's go. Now Max. Before something else happens." I say gasping for breath. Max comes over to me to help me up take his hand and grab Gemma's bag, my keys and the note, which i handed to Max.

"Run, run, RUN!" a voice whispers from behind me. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise. I stand up so quickly that my mind can't follow and i leg it out the door i run and keep on running until i get to my locker. When i finally reach there i'm out of breath and i can hear the sound of rapid footsteps behind me. I collapse on the ground and start breathing rapidly. Each breath getting hoarse.6 "Mel's! Mel's!" I can only hear Max's voice. I then see the blurred sight of his fingers clicking in front of me. "Mel's, Melody!" I hear Max call my name but his voice is fading. I then feel a splash of freezing cold water on my face.

"Yes, yes what is it?" I say as i become aware of my surroundings. I can see a very concerned looking Max with a bucket, which probably contained the water. "Oh my goodness Mel's your alright, i guess that note shocked you alot." Max exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug and started rocking me back and forth, i started crying as i remembered the note. "Ssh, it's alright. We'll get Gem back."

Max's P.O.V.

I sat there and rocked her back and forth, crying, until she fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and took her into the back of my van where I layed her down gently and covered her with a blanket. I told her uncle that I was taking her home, he asked why, but i just said it's up to your niece to decied wether she wants him to know what happened. Her uncle agreed and said 'I may be her Uncle, but she has a right to live her own life and tell me what she wants to tell me. To be honest i think her uncle is pretty cool and has total utter respect for his niece. I wish my uncle was that cool.

I get into my van and turn on the engine to drive to Mels house. When i get there Mels is just stirring in the back. I think i'll leave her there until she wakes up. I go inside and make two cups of tea. I go back out and leave one in the back for Mel.


A/N Woo secound chapter finished! I took a lot of thought and consideration for this chapter and although it may seem short, I did work hard on it! I'd like to give a shout out to my friend BethWaterman who has supported me through everything i've done! She is frigging amazing so go follow her! I have three reads! Why do i end every thing with an exclamation mark?!

Hasta Luego


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