Chapter 3

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I walked back into her house and started to make something to eat for me and Mel's. I put the frying pan on the hear as i decided to whip up a quick veg stir fry. I heard a rapping at the door, i turned the heat off and started walking towards the door. I flung a tea towel over my shoulder and opened the door to find Mels awake and looking exhausted. I picked her up and spun her in the air saying "Mels your alright! You look exhausted." I nuzzled her nose and placed her down in the hall way. "You look really tired! Go and get some sleep. I'll wake you up when dinners ready." I explained. "No need! The smoke alarm will do that. Anyways what i'm i doing at home and more to the point why did i wake up in your Van?" She asked, smiling at me, but behind those pale blue eyes i could see lose and pain. I lean across to whisper in her ear "That's a story for another time." I reach for her shoulders and pull myself back so i'm looking at her beautiful blue eyes, i stare lost in them and say "Go to sleep now." I pull her into one last hug before she makes her way to her room.

I head back into the kitchen i turn the heat on and place the frying pan on. I quickly go to grab an apron and to wash my hands. I finish making the veg stir fry in 5 minuets only because its a small one. I dish the stir fry onto plates and carry them into Mels room. She's sat on the corner of her bed looking out the window. She's in her favourite Pyjama's, yellow strapped camisole with purple trousers all made from cotton. She patted the empty space beside her. She looked up at me, her face burning red from the fact she'd been crying. I sat down and passed her plate she took it and managed to sniffle a "thanks." She took her fork and started digging into her dish with the occasional "mmm..."

I'd already finished mine by the time she was already two thirds of the way there. She wolfed the rest done greedily. "I'm really tired, i'm going to hit the hay." She said with a yawn. She passed my her plate and stretched out her arms. "Max, can you turn out the lights for me?" She asks as she gets into bed. "Sure thing babe." I say as i turn out the main lights. I gently close the door behind me and head to the kitchen to wash up. I went to go and get my stuff from the van and to place it in my room. Mel had especially made one of the rooms my room because i was staying over so much. By the time i had set up all my stuff and watched a bit of TV, i heard a rapping at the door. I went to look on my watch what the time was 7:55pm it was probably her uncle.

I opened the door to see her uncle standing there a tall chap 6'1" i was only 5'9". He was wearing a t-shirt and some jeans. "Is she alright?" He asked. "Yes she's sleeping so be quiet i said in a hushed tone. I motioned my hand for him to come in. "No, no i can't got to get home to the wife." He said to me. I looked up at him his eyes showed concern. "Don't worry she'll be fine." I said reassuringly, "now go before something happens." I say joking around, he chuckles lightly under his breath as he walks back to his car. I stand in the driveway to see him off. I stand there in the cold watching and waiting until i could no longer see his rear lights. I walked back into the house closing the door behind me. I crept into Mels room to check on her and she was fast asleep. I decided to go and watch TV for a bit.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, as i became aware of my surroundings i realised i was still in the lounge. I must of fallen asleep whilst watching TV last night. I got up and walked to the kitchen and saw Mels making breakfast. "Mmm... that smells good." I say as i entered. "Thanks Max." Mels says as she looks up from the frying pan. Her eyes looked tired and sore. She had her light pink dressing gown around her and her dirty blonde hair was tied up in a loose ponytail at the back. "Max go get dressed." she says yawning, "I know what you're like." She tells me. She is right though i should get dressed I take forever to choose what I should wear. I walk back into my room to get dressed. in the end i decied on a pair of jeans and a plain white tee, with my black trainers. I grabbed my brush and went to the mirror to brush my hair, it was a mess. 


A/N So third chapter done! under 12 hours since i posted the second chapter.  A shortish chapter but oh well. A whole chapter on Max's P.O.V.! Just remember i write books on my phone! Ok from now one you won't see anymore A/N's!

Hasta Luego!


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