Chapter 6

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I woke with the sunshine coming through my windows, blinding me. Forcing me to put my hand over my eyes. I looked left and right to see I was in my room up at mum and dads place. I looked at my watch and read what time it said 9:08am. I thought to myself 'mum will be waiting for me downstairs.' She normal waits downstairs for me when i come up. I grab my purple silk dressing gown and chuck it over my shoulders and bounce down the stairs.

"Hey mum!" I say as I bounced into the kitchen. I went over to the cupboard to get a pain au chocolat.

"Hey sweetie. How was your sleep?" Mum asks looking up and taking a bite out of her bacon butty. I put my food in the microwave and put it on for 12 secounds.
"Good. So what have you been doing since i last saw ya?" I say just barley sitting down before i hear the alarm for my food. I get up again and grab the pain au chocolat from the microwave.

Max's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a car leaving the drive. I wondered who it was so i went up to go see. When i stood up, i felt dizzy and weak, i couldn't stay there for much longer so i had to grab on to something, so i quickly reached out to the bed side table and grabbed a hold of it as i eased my way down on to the bed. I decided best not to move so i called for Mels. "Mels! Mels! Mels! Melody! Melody-Rose!" I yell. I hear footsteps coming down the corridor. Sara walks in and makes me jump. "Oh, its you Sara. You made me jump." Sara walks to beside my bed and the smile drops from her face to a concerned look. "Are you alright?" She asks.

"Yeah, i feel a bit weak though." I say reaching for the table to give myself a support to stand up, i struggle but then i feel Sara pushing me down. "Max you need to rest." She says taking a hold of my hand."You've been very ill over the past few days. You need to rest. Mels has gone up to her parents. I should be expecting a phone call from her anytime today." Just when she had finished that sentence the phone rang. Sara went out the room to pick it up.

Sara's P.O.V.

I picked up the phone and answered with a cherful "Hello. Who is this?" The person answered with a gruff voice."Is Melody in?"

"No,no, she's at her parents house would you like me to give you their number."

"No its alright, just pass this message on to her." This persons is starting to give me the creeps. "Just remember you have 6 days till we release her."

"Ok, i will pass that on to Mels." I shuddered at the thought of having to tell Mels. I felt cold and scared and alone. I walked into Max's room and shut the door behind me. Max was sat up leaning against the head stand of the bed when he heard me walk in. "Max?" I say feverishly.

"Sara? Whats wrong?" He says looking up at me. I sit down on the end of the bed and look down at my feet. "Max I have something to tell you." I said. I then explained everything to Max about the phone call. Mel said the so called 'party' was on the 6th of June. I quickly realised making a link to that. The 6th of June is D-day! But why D-day. I quickly dial Mels mobile.

"Hello. Who's speaking?"

"Hi Mels, It's Sara, i just wanted to say i found a link to something."

"A link to what?"

"You know. That strange creepy letter that you got."

"Go on."

"Do you know what the 6th June is?"

"Umm... no"


"D-day?" She questions.


"Ohh! D-day!"

"YES!" I exclaim.

"But why D-day?"

"Has the 6th June got anything to do with you. You know like a birthday? A special event?"


"But whatever happens. Stay safe and come home NOW!!"


"People could be out there."

"People like who exactly?"

"The people who invited you."

"Fine!" She sighs, exasperated at me. "I'll come back only because you sound worried."

"Kay! What time do you reckon you'll be back?"

"Late. Bye!"

"Bye!" I hang up the phone and walk back to Max who now doesn't seem to be in bed. I quickly panic and then trip over something on the floor. I look to my right, my cheek pressed against the ground to see Max lying underneath me. "Let me guess you tried to get up again?" I say whilst watching Max wince. "Nice going douchebag!" I get up of him. I walk up to his shoulders, push him onto his back and lift him up by linking my arms underneath his armpits and drag him onto the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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