janna's birthday

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Jenna's pov
I woke up and i saw my angels sleeping peacefully i looked at my phone and its janna's 1st birthday. Im so excited i took a shower then i head downstairs and baked a cake for her. Then i feel a pair of arms wrapped on me i turned around and it was jacob (duh😂) i kissed his cheeks and start icing the cake. I got a spoonful of nuttela i was about to eat it but he grabs it and put it around his mouth "come and get it" he said i know im not stupid so i grabbed the nutella and get the spoon and leaved him there trying to hide my laugh. "oh boy" he said then i turned around placed the nutella in the counter and hugged him "youre such a dork" i said "your dork" he said then i nodded then he grabbed my face and kissed my lips making the nutella around my face "jacob" i said trying to pull away. Then seconds later we finally pulled away then jacob start laughing, "jacob what the heck" i said laughing and cleaning my face. Soon after that we decided to wake janna we go upstairs with the cake. Then jacob start waking her up when she open her eyes we sing happy birthday. "okay hun blow your cake" i said then she blows it then we see our came burst in our door with a big cake and a gifts, "omg" i said then they sing happy birthday to her then she blow its then she opened her gifts the first one is from Ariel and its a small teddy bear, then next one is from Loren we opened it and we saw doll house next its from Maro we opened it and saw some clothes for her, after opening the gifts we all get ready then jacob took a bath when i was talking to ariel i saw jacob staring at me when he realized i was staring ar him he looks down blushing. Then we decided to go to the timezone with the squad. When we got there. Me, janna, and jacob decided to go to the booth and we make six pose

The first pic was me and jacob kissing janna's cheeks

The second pic was we were wearing a sunglasses while doing funny faces and janna was laughing on it

The third pic was we are laughing about jacob funny jokes

The fourth pic was me and jacob kissing while jacob was carrying janna (of course😂)

The fifth pic was Mario is peeking his head into the camera

Then the sixth pic was with the squad making funny faces and wearing some mask, sunglasses, wigs and other stuffs

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