What a nice morning

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Jacob's pov
"u can wear my sweatshirt!!! And you can tell your friends to be together to the end giiiirlll!!" me and Sean sangs loudly as ever with janna on my arms

Janna's pov
I woke up and dab! Then i hear yelling with a loud familiar music. I headed down and saw Sean and jacob with janna on his arms singing sweatshirt anf holding a brush on there hands i hide on the couch and took my phone and goes to snapchat theb record them after "cause youre the only one i hold and i dont want you to be cold so baby wear my!!!!..." after 10 seconds it ends and burst out laughing hitting my hand on the floor then they turn their heads on me with a confused face "What the..." they said and blushed "u two looked like an idiot" i said catching my breath *ding dong* "ill get it" sean said running through the door "whats going on here?!" bailey said i l looked behind her and saw Gabe Kenneth Josh Will Kaycee i walked behind sean and tells them "Jacob and Sean are singing out loud" i said annoyed "ohh thats why my house were jumping up and down" kenneth said (they are all neighbors) "anyways any plans here?" bailey asked "um no" i said then they moved their nose like a dog "hmm whats that smell" they said "oh i made pancakes" Sean said then they pushed both of us and ran through the kitchen the get their own plates and start eating the pancakes "uhm guys thats for 4 of us not for u guys" Jacob said Then i came up to him and lean on his ear "i have an idea" i said smirking at him i tiptoed in the kitchen and get a really big pan like a sized of a cake, then i cooked all the pancakes together then jacob came up to me and pecks my lips " wow thats a huge pancake like your ass" he said smirking "jacob!" i said punching his shoulder lightly Then Sean came up to us with his mouth wide open "wow thats a huge pancake, you cooked better than me"  he said "i know big cousin" i said then the two boys helps me bring the cake into a big plate and put them a lot of syrup then we smirked at eachother and bring them on table and saw them still eating on the table we put the big plate with a big pancake making the their hands under the plate "What th... Woah!" they said in unison then they ready their forks they were about to have one but we stopped them "not so fast" me jacob & sean said "what?" they said "yall eated our pancakes so we made for us.... 4" we said with an evil said then we go on the plate and get some fork and we started eating them then i saw there saliva dropping on their mouths then we 4 continued eating then the left overs we mentioned them to eat it then they rush over to the big plate and they eat it like a monster then we make them do the dishes

What a nice morning...

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