Morning Time

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Jenna's pov
"GOODMORNING!" Gabe yells everybody walks up groaning "Gabe we need some sleep" i said sitting up while rubbing my eyes "let just sleep baby" jacob said i lay back on his arms "wake up wake up wake up!" Gabe screamed while banging his shoe in the pan then everyone tackled him on the floor. Then jacob grabs a stinky socks and start putting on Gabe's nose "No no pls.... Ugh its smells nasty help me pls" he said trying to escape in our grip everybody laughs and let him go "youre a bad parents" Gabe said pointing at me and jacob "Whatever floats your both Gabe" me and jacob said "lets eat breakfast im starving" tati whine "okay lets go downstairs... Wait lets clean our teeths" i said "lets race 1... 2...3" Sean yelled then we race to the bathroom Sean won then we grab our toothbrush. We try to fit in the bathroom and keep bumping our butts. Then we raced in the kitchen and me jacob, and Sean start cooking (Sean knows how to cook) we set the plates and everybody goes in the table and start eating. Sean feeds Janna and jacob gave him $5. "Any plans?" they asked "lets watch cinema!" i yelled then they agreed we all took a bath and start calling uber. When we get on the theater. We sitted on the back and started watching "Josh stop eating my popcorn" tahani whispered we buy some more popcorns and give it to them "thanks mom and dad"they said even Sean "Sean youre my cousin" i said "whatever" he said couple hours later the movie ended and explore the whole mall "Look" Bailey screamed with wide eyes "Forever 21!" we screamed then i pulled jacob and Sean and go there "Somebody help me!" the boys yelled we start picking some dresses panties and other girl stuffs then we saw the boys sitting there on their phones. "boys we are done" i said then they started cheering. "so boys youre turn" the girls said "Zumiez!" they screames then we headed to the Zumiez and the boys start picking their clothes "Jenna?" Sean asked "yep" "buy this for me" he said holding a black hoodie "okay" i said "omg thank you so much bby cousin" he said hugging me "anything for the dying person" i joked he rolled his eyes then we wait the boys then go in the cashier. We get back home i looked at time and its only 4pm. "guys lets play pie face" Kaycee said we all satted on the couch and place the toy in the center. "okay me first" gabe said then he spinned and it land on 2 then he put his head on the toy and start spinning the sides and the whipped cream goes over his face "wth.. But the cream is delicious" he said "okay my turn" Sean said he spinned it and its lands on 1. He puts his head and spinned the sides and he made it. "Jen youre turn" sean said pointing at me....

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