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-Forgive any mistakes
- New Chapter, Story line

Jack and Sarah slowly became the talk of the school as well as  the talk of the town, who was this gorgeous young man who had magically taken Sarah by the breath, people couldn't help but gossip, people couldn't help but judge.

Sarah had rushed into this new relationship blindly not even knowing who Jack really was from the start, but boy was she about to find out.

Sarah's mother had never witnessed such disappointment in her before, how could you do that to Alex she asked? How could you throw something away for someone you clearly don't know.
Sarah couldn't answer the question but all she knew was
Jack gave her a sense of wildness, something she hadn't felt before it was dangerous to feel something so craving.
But worth losing everything for.

Meeting Sarah's mother

Jack knocks at the door*

Sarah's mother Anna opened it

Anna: Well, if it isn't you
Jack: it's a pleasure to meet you
Anna: I wish I could say the same
Jack: Give it sometime I'm sure your come around
Anna: Hm

Sarah enters the room*
With suit case.
Jack: Hello darlin
Sarah peeks him on the cheek* with a small smile

Anna: Look after my daughter Jack now go before I change my mind.

Jack: Are you ready baby
Sarah: I'm keen

Jack had planned a weekend get away for Sarah, after everything going on he thought this was the one thing she really needed.

Lake Taupo was were they were heading absolutely beautiful the view was speechless.

Jack had planned a beautiful villa on the lake for them to stay in, Its the small things that mattered.

Jack and Sarah had  finally arrive*

The sexual connection between them two was wild, Jack couldn't keep his eyes off Sarah let along his hands, he finally had what he wanted Sarah was his.

He carried her inside and pressed her up against the wall, kissing movements, it was getting intense, Sarah was crazy for Jack he didn't only please her sexually but mentally.

It was a weekend of passion, and love.

Jack: I love you
Sarah: I love you too baby

Sarah decided to make her and Jack some dinner, Unexpectedly Alex messaged her out of the blue.

" I miss you Sarah baby please come back to me, I know I said I would support this but I can't do this life without you. "

Sarah replied with

" Alex I'm with Jack now. "

Heart emoji

Jack enters the room*

Jack: who's texting you babe?

Sarah: uh Alex

Jack; Mhm yeah well let me see

Sarah hands Jack the phone*

Heart emoji? What's that for Sarah

Sarah: we are still friends

Jack: Sarah I won't have this! It's not just an emoji this is your ex

Jack blocks number and takes Sarah's phone*

Sarah* what are you doing Jack?

Jack: Your not getting this back until I say, I'm your boyfriend, I own you, all of you now and you will do as I say do you fucking understand that.

Sarah had witnessed a different side to Jack it was a turn on  but also a little bit scary.

Jack: Don't make me mad right now Sarah now come here.

Sarah sits on Jacks lap
Kissing, movement Jacks hands are all over her, he reaches for her hair, pulls it*

As he slowly pulls Sarah closer towards him, he whispers into her ear.

" I own you now, do as I say. "

Sarah didn't know how to feel about this Jack was showing her a different side was this dangerous, the thoughts of perhaps this isn't what she wanted began to cross her mind. Sarah was a hopeless romantic, not a girl who would be submissive to a control freak and that's what Jack was beginning to show.

My over protective boyfriend. ( slow updates )Where stories live. Discover now