A Factualy Fake Fact Pt.1

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A/N: So before we start this is Star's dress

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A/N: So before we start this is Star's dress. They live in a hot area in my mind so this dress works thx 4 reading btw! Also alcohol and trigger for starco fans warning!

Star's POV.

I woke up on Saturday later than usual. I found Marco in my bed (half clothed still had his pajam pants on phew) He too was still asleep. I smiled at him he was so cute while he was sleeping. His bruise had healed thankfully. I wish he was always like this, not constantly worrying about me and our saftey. I pecked his lips and shaked him softly.

"Hey safe kid? Whatcha' doin' in my bed?" I whispered giggling quietly. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. "Hmm? Oh! Heh funny story would you believe me if I told you I got scared and had a nightmare?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. I caressed the stubble on his cheek and leaned in a bit closer. "Maybe if you could prove it to me" I smirked. I kissed him when I heard the door open. A kid with blond hair stood in my door his eyes closed, arms crossed and a smug grin plastered on his face. He looked to be around 12. "Diaz! I'm here to ask you fo----" He had opened his eyes his mouth hanging. I looked at the postition we were in. I had stradled Marco and his hands were on my back under my shirt. Jermeys open mouth quickly turned into a smug smirk. "Well well well Diaz I had no clue you were the ladies man!" I watched as Marco glared at the kid. I laughed and kissed Marco quickly. I proceeded to sit up. He took his hands out of my shirt and placed them on my waist. He sat up aswell and put his forehead on mine.

"I'll see you downstairs okay Star?"

"Sure thing...wild man" I got off of Marco and walked to the bathroom. I winked as I passed Jeremy and I went to go shower.

Marco's POV

"Yeah know I should pound you for just walking in on me and my girlfriend right?"

"Hey not my fault you guys didn't lock the door"

"Your right it's not your fault...It's your parents for not teaching you how to knock!" We both laughed as I pulled a shirt over my head. Jermey sat down on the bed. "How did you get a babe like her?"

"First off never and I mean NEVER call her babe, only I can do that, and B. We've lived with eachother for aproxemetley, over one year"

"Alright sheesh dude you really are a safe kid" He laughed as I pulled my black skinny jeans up. "Your gonna fight me in skinny jeans?" "Who ever said I was gonna fight you? Listen I have to go to a school dance today with Star and I don't need to be bruised up from fighting you" I pushed his head so he was laying on my bed. "Don't leave this room until I tell you Okay?" "Why?" "Cause I want alone time with my girlfriend twerp" I smirked at him as he laughed. I closed the door just as the bathroom opened up. I saw Star walk out of the bathroom towel around her. Good thing I told the twerp to stay in my bedroom. I blushed slightly.

"Marco you've seen me in my towles before" she laughed at my over reaction. "S-sorry" I heard a door open. My first reaction was to turn around and block Star.

"Hey Marco I'm go---Jesus Christ! I am so Sorry!" I covered his eyes and tripped down the stairs. He ran out the front door leaving my mom confused. Star walked to her room and I went downstairs.

"Why did Jeremy leave so quickly?" She buttered a slice of toast and handed it to me. "He may or may have not seen Star in only a towel" I continued eating. I heard my mom snort trying to hold in laughter. I watched as Star came down stairs. She wore a mid light blue rift sports bra and yellow leggings. Her hair was up in a pony tail. She sat on my lap amd pecked my cheek. My mom handed her a plate with a slice of toast.

"So what time is the dance?"

"Seven" I said with a mouth full of toast.

"Alright and you guys have your clothes?"

"Yup I have my dress" Star swallowed her last bite. "If you'll excuse me I'm gonna go take a run" She stood up and as if almost on cue a loud bang of thunder was heard outside. She sighed. "Hey don't sweat it Star! We can stay in and cuddle and watch some movies to pass the time" I walked up to her and hugged her from behind. She gave another sigh and melted into the hug.
I picked her up and plopped her on the couch. I grabbed a couple of fluffy pillows and blankets and threw them on her. "Wait can I go change into something comfy?" "Sure" She got up and left to her room. I was making some Nacho's (her favorite) when she came down stairs in some soft shorts and one of my hoodies. I rolled my eyes as she ran to the couch. She snuggled under the blankets as I placed down the nachos. I opened up netflix on the TV and got under the blankets with her. We watched a mix of comdeys and one horror movie. We watched that first. It was called It. It was really scary even for Star and at one point she was crying and begging fir it to stop. That was definetley the start of her phobia of clowns.

*Skip the time of the skipping time who skips over clocks to get to a new time of skipping*

Star's POV

I sat in a chair while Mrs.Diaz did my hair. It was gorgeous.

She finished it off with a sparkly blue bow to go with my dress

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She finished it off with a sparkly blue bow to go with my dress. I stared in the mirror spinning as my long skirt brushed the floor. I decided to wear some light blue sneakers. I walked out of my room almost in sync with Marco. He wore a deep navy blue tux with a white floor in the pocket. He had a corsage in his hand. He opened the small plastic box and took out the yellow and white flowers that were on a pin. He pinned it on my dress and took my arm. He gave me a toothy grin and we started running. There was a car outside. The driver was Tom. Janna sat in the pasanger seat her dress was really pretty too.

 Janna sat in the pasanger seat her dress was really pretty too

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Tom wore a normal black tux. We smiled back as we climbed into the car and we were off! Janna was really good with Tom he almost never got angry when she was around. We arrived at the school and it was beautiful. I hope I can just have one good thing happen to me with at this school when I'm with Maeco....

A/N:Hey guys so here you go 1200 words! This chappy would have been easily over 2000 so I made it a 2 part. So I have to go to school now but its a half day so I should be able to get the 2nd part out! I luv yall bye!

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