Chapter 1: Following with hope

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As she followed the boy out of the house, part of her wanted to turn back.

Part of her knew that there was more out there.

This was her best shot at finding it.

The boy kept saying "Him" which Juliana found a little but annoying.

All of a sudden the boy stopped, and so did Juliana.

"Why are we hiding?" She asked, actually curious and fully listening for the first time.

"Him here." Was the answer.

"Seriously? Shotty grammar you got there." She said, with her sass.

"WERE GONNA DIEEEEEEE!" He said in a panic.


He didn't get time to answer, because he was lifted into the air by the neck, chocked, and fell to the ground with a small "Bang."

"Ohhhhhh, I get it now." Juliana said then saw a dark figure walking by.

Juliana's mouth dropped open, like this: :O

"It can't be...." She wispered. (I spelled that wrong didn't I)

She didn't know why, but she kept looking at the figure.

He was mostly black.

But, didn't seem to have any skin.

Juliana heard someone (with skin lol) talking to the mysterious black guy.

She listened and this is what she heard:

"My Lord, I have done all I can to find her. I have sent many to find her for a bounty as well. But she seems to disappeared."

"Interesting." The figure said.

"Find her, or you will not be as lucky as she would be."

The other man gulped. "I will do what I can, Lord Vader."

Juliana gasped.

"Vader? Vader is here? What is he doing on Tatooine?"

She didn't want to draw attention to herself, but her legs just took off, taking the rest of her with them.

She ran, but didn't know where she was going.

"Why does the Empire want me? I'm just a girl! That's all I am!"

All if a sudden, a ship landed on Tatooine.

It looked weird, to weird to explain.

The ramp lowered.

Two figures walked off.

One was tall (Compared to the other one at least), And Juliana could tell that it was a man, even though he had his brown hair in a ponytail.

The other one was looked very curious to Juliana. He looked to be about 15 or 16, with shoulder-length blue hair.

The oldest (and tallest, lol) said, "Ezra, are you sure you know exactly what you are to do?"

"Yup. Just find the girl and bring her back. Easy."

"WHAT?" Juliana yelled, giving herself away.

"That's her! SEIZE HER!" Came a voice from behind her.

"Oh, Karabast, that's Vader." She said.


"I KNOW I KNOW SHEESH." Ezra said flying at her.

"AHH WHAT THE KARABAST!" Juliana said.

She ran, because she didn't really trust these people.

Right into Vader.

"Thank you, Rebels." Vader said.

Juliana could tell he was smirking under that mask.

(Hey look I updated! So unlike me!

That was chapter one! I know the prolouge was kind of chapter one and two, Who cares?

Btw that boy was Vader's nephew.

Vader was the uncle.

So yah.

Vader chocked him because he didn't need him anymore.

He had done his job.

See you next time, on Juliana, A Star wars story.)

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