Chapter 3

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~Vanitas pov.~

(Y/n) quickly dashed into the room before I could reply. Instead of going through the portal right away, I became curious and stood near her room, leaning against the door so I could hear what was happening inside. Not a few seconds later, I heard soft crying from the room. Sobs filled with anxiety and hysteria were the only noise that could be heard. I've never seen anyone cry as hard as that before. I have never done such an act, and the master as well. I was dumbfounded about what to do next. Should I comfort her like a fellow apprentice should? Or should I allow her to solve this problem on her own? I decided to give (y/n) some alone time instead of me barging in and making her feel uncomfortable. I quietly walk away from the area without being noticed.

                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time gap~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up early the next morning and prepared myself for the day. It was about 6:15 am when I teleported to (y/n)'s room to bring her to the training grounds. I wanted to arrive early in case she forgot to wake up on time. I made it to my destination and firmly knocked on the door. "(y/n), It's me, Vanitas" I called out. Almost instantly the door opened to reveal (y/n) fully prepared for training. She had dark circles from lack of sleep and she looked like she has been crying all night. She slowly moved into the door frame with her head down and didn't say a word. " You ready to go?" I asked. "Yeah," she said, not much louder than a whisper. I summoned a portal and gestured for (y/n) to follow me. Once we got through and the darks mist cleared, we found ourselves in a barren waste land. "This is the key blade graveyard. The master will tell you more about the history of this place. We do all of our training here" I explained as we walked to the center of the endless desert. " What do we train with?" she asked, finally saying something. We arrived at the training spot and paused at the base of a tall cliff. I summoned my key blade to show (y/n). She gasped in surprise and closely examined my void gear. "This is called a key blade, it is the weapon the master and I use. You can't use it, but the master will give you a weapon and teach you. We will also teach you how to use the magic we use in battle" I explained. Unfortunately, our time alone was cut short when master Xehanort suddenly appeared before us. "Good morning my students," he said with a wide grin, " today's training will mostly for our newest member ; (y/n)". The master turned to (y/n), who was completely silent beside me. Xehanort then threw a sword towards her. (y/n) caught it and examined it carefully. "That will be your weapon from now on. It is unable to release the hearts within the heartless, but it can cast spells that will aid you in battle" Xehanort explained quickly before turning his back to us. All of a sudden, he vanished from our sight in the span of a second. Both (y/n) and I were shocked at his sudden disappearance. We didn't have long to think before we heard a booming voice from above us. " Your first battle begins now," the master said from the top of the cliff, looking down at us. He extended his arm and gestured for me to join him on his perch. I took one more look at (y/n), who was both confused and nervous, before teleporting next to the master. " Sumon a few unversed around (y/n), Vanitas" he ordered without taking his eyes off (y/n). As he asked, I conjured four flood unversed around her so that she was surrounded. Instantly she became anxious at the new situation; turning in circles, looking for a way out. "This is a battle (y/n). Protect yourself" the master called out. At this, she tried to take a swing at an unversed. She managed to hit it, flinging it to the side, but it didn't go down so easily. It went in for an attack, but (y/n) dodged it before it touched her. She quickly turned around and slashed it once more. This time, the small unversed disintegrated and returned no more. (Y/n) repeated this for the rest of the creatures. Once she eliminated them she was breathing heavily, obviously from exhaustion. Surprisingly, I found myself releasing a held breath when there were no longer enemies to danger her. The three of us remained silent as we stared at each other; the master and I look down at (y/n), who was unsure of what to do other than stare back at us. Finally, master Xehanort broke the silence by whispering to me."Summon five more unversed, but bigger ones this time" he quietly said. I followed his order and summoned five scrapper unversed. (Y/n), who was still trying to catch her breath, tried her best to deal with the new threat without getting injured . Unfortunately , her speed was slowing and it was getting harder for her to keep up. While facing the last enemy, the unversed managed to land a hit on her arm. She yelped out in pain before disposing of the creature. Blood began trickling down her arm as her complexion started to pale. But the master showed no change in emotion. Even when (y/n) looked up at us with tired, pleading eyes, Xehanort turned to me once more and ordered my so summon harder unversed. I could tell that she was in pain from her injury and excused from battle. She probably couldn't survive much longer without rest. And yet she remained quiet, too afraid of getting punished if she ask the master to stop. Reluctantly, I conjured four bruiser unversed. This final battle was fairly short, because the second one of the unversed landed a hit on (y/n), she fell to her knees in exhaustion. When she showed no signs of rising to her feet, master Xehanort summoned a portal and made his way to it. "I have seen enough for today. Vanitas, take care of (y/n) for the time being. Afterwards you are both free for the day" he said before striding into the dark mist. The second he was fully emerged in the portal, I rushed to aid (y/n). The four unversed were still attacking her without mercy. I quickly drew my key blade and ended them swiftly. Once they were gone, I kneeled in front of (y/n) so I was at her level. She was covered in freshly made wounds and injuries that opened up from too much movement. Her (e/c) eyes were shut tightly and she barely seemed conscious. I called her name and gently shook her shoulder. She only had enough strength left to hum in response to let me know she could hear me. I concluded that she was definitely unable to walk. "(Y/n), is it ok if I carry you?" I asked in a low voice. She gave me an almost unnoticeable nod as she leaned her forehead into my shoulder, unable to hold up her own body any longer. I carefully picked her up and made my way to the infirmary.   

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