・✦Turned Down Twins・Chapter 2✦・

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Hello guys! Thank you so much for the likes and comments:) they really brighten my day.
Thank you  lovelies.

60 views in just 5 days! Omg omg omg I'm hyperventilating.

Also Married at 17 has 1.26K viewsssss! Omg!

To those who haven't read that book you can check it out on my profile. It's called Married at 17. It's the part 1 of this book:)Thank you so much guys!


AlaiaS POV



His eyes where as wide as mine.

"Cristiano here you are, Clair was waiting for you" the old lady said

"Oh, Elena I'm sorry I got late" he said and started waking away.

Again leaving me alone.

"Alaiacould you help us to the room" the lady, Elena said.

I got up from my daze. "Oh sure, follow me"

Cristiano was waking next to me, I could still smell that cologne he used. The one that drove me crazy.

I looked at him, he'd changed so much.


"Here is the new dad" Dr Peterson said with a huge smile.

I felt so uncomfortable when he said that, Cristiano said that he wasn't ready for a family. Then who where these people, why did he just have a baby? Why did he leave me with the twins all alone?

I had so many questions left to be answered by him. I wasn't going to let him go this time.

"Oh, I was waiting for you" Elena said when she saw him.

He walked towards her and kissed her cheek. My heart clenched at the sight.

Calm down Alaia! Calm down.

After all the formalities where done, Cristiano went running to the room where his child lay.
He seemed so happy. So excited. Atticus and Rosie where his children too. Why wasn't he happy to meet them. Why wasn't he excited about our children.


"Mommy,Mommy" Atticus ran towards me as I waited for him in front of this school.

"Hey little boy" I said as I lifted him up in my lap.

He put my forehead on his, noses touching "I'm not little anymore

I smiled at him,"okay, sorry big boy"

He smiled back "thank you"

Just when I heard a girly scream "Mumma, Mumma!"

Turned Down Twins (#2) - {EDITING SOON}Where stories live. Discover now