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50K VIEWS! OH MY GOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVELIES! This means the universe to me!

So I though of writing a little chapter! I hope this makes you happy! Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Cristiano's PoV

One last sip I mumbled to myself
one last sip
one last sip
one last sip

I threw the alcohol bottle across the room.

It hurts
It hurts
My heart hurts
Why did she leave me

I lay on the bed
Her smile
Her giggles
Her fucking laugh, mocking me. It been 2 years since my wife was buried, so long since I touched her skin, so long since I saw that beautiful smile, which could keep me up for days.

I wanted to touch her, I wanted to feel her around me, her arms around me. Her grave was just five minutes away from my house.

My feet me took me there, her body lay there

In the loving memory of a mother and friend engraved on the tombstone.

mocking me, there was no mention of wife on it  I didn't deserve it, the kids said

There was a shovel in my hand, I started digging, need to touch her, need to feel her, need her.

"Hey what are you doing?" I heard somebody screaming from afar.

I didn't care, I needed her now.

Somebody pushed me down, as darkness engulfed me.

"Cristiano? wake up"


Her smile.

"Wake up my love"

She hugged me, so tight I felt my ribs hurting.

"No don't leave me" I mumbled to her, my head in her neck, bliss.

"I love you, please don't leave me" I screamed to her.

She was so still, " Move on, love"

"No! No! No! I need you, only you"

She shook her head

"I'm with you always" her hand on my chest, where my heart lay beating, unlike her's.

"Wake up"

I opened my eyes suddenly, I was laying on hard ground.

I started running home, maybe Mara was there she was waiting for me at home.

I opened the door, and an empty house.

"I'm with you always"  i put my hand on my stupid fucking heart, that was still beating.


I turned around to see my son, his mother's ring in his hand, the one he didn't leave for a second in these 2 years.

"Dad? You need to eat"

I walked with him to the kitchen, I could imagine Mara cooking here, her laugh echoing around the house like the best sound in the world.


I looked at Atticus, he looked so different, so big.

"Where's Rose?"

I asked him, maybe the fourth or fifth time I spoke to him since Mara left us.

"She's in her room, if your asking she's okay"

"Call her" my throat hurting.

"Okay, Dad please sit down, you don't look well"

He ran upstairs as I waited the maid to bring dinner for us, the lady looked aged since the last time I saw her.

"How you sir?" She asked me.

I scoffed.

"I've been working here for almost six months, I didn't see you much"

"Listen don't talk to me and fucking go-"

My kids stood there was wide eyes.

"Atticus I told you! He hasn't changed!"
Rose said.

Rosie, my beautiful daughter I walked towards her, what was saying something to her brother but I couldn't hear that, I just wanted to go near her.

I touched her head.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She said as she pushed my hand away.

I pulled her to my chest, hugging her she tried to pull away, but hugged me back after a few seconds, I pulled Atticus for a hug too.

"We're going to be okay" I whispers to them.

to be continued...
I will be continuing this bonus soon!
Ahhh! It's been so long! I hope you guys like this.
Thank you so much for 50K means a lot to a small writer like me!

Turned Down Twins (#2) - {EDITING SOON}Where stories live. Discover now