・✦Turned Down Twins・Chapter 3✦・

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Hello guys! This is a kinda long chapter

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Hello guys!
This is a kinda long chapter. I mean in my book because next update will be after 24th September. My sister is getting married and I'm sooo busy!
That's why this update is quicker than usual.
Forgive meee!

I've just realised I didn't post the cover snoopyANDwoodstick_ made for my story. So hereee
I love it so much!

100 fking viewwwwssssss in just 2 chaps! Thank you so muchhhh


Alaia'S POV

"They're only mine" I stated.

He looked at them, "don't you want a father?"

My children where so naive so small to answer that question.

"Cristiano they're 3 years old! What's wrong with you? You said you didn't want them. You went away. You left me alone with Maddie. What did you do with her? Did you leave her too! 'I promise you won't have to go through this alone' 'I'm there for you' you bloody liar. Open this door before I call the police" I said. If he wanted to give threats, I wasn't going to be the damsel in distress.

"Open the door" Cristiano's brother said.

I walked away, tears falling from my eyes. Both Atticus and Rosie had fallen asleep in my arms. I don't understand how they did in so much screaming. I was glad they did, they didn't need to see their mother weak.


A month had passed since the Cristiano episode. His baby mama was discharged from the hospital a few days after the drama.

She seemed nice, the word nice is an understatement.

They came for check ups twice, both times Cristiano was there. He kept glaring at me, like I hate done something wrong. Ass

I lay on one of the empty hospital beds, my period had started today, I couldn't eat food or drink water. I was just so tired.

"How long are you going to lay there missy?" Jake asked me.

"Ugh, I'm having a terrible stomach ache" I told him.

"Had medication?"


"You'll be fine then"

If I'd be fine I wouldn't be  laying down on duty. Stupid idiot. Fucking loser.

"Do you want me to press your back?" He asked me casually.

Turned Down Twins (#2) - {EDITING SOON}Where stories live. Discover now