Awaking The Demon

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Danny POV:

As I lay in my bed I thought about the man. He didn't seem right not human that's for sure. Accaila had been lost in her thoughts since before I woke up and had yet to realize that I was awake. I hope she had done something so Alex wouldn't question why I was back at the hotel. My thoughts went back to the man. He had been able to force me to change into a ghost not even Freak-show's staff could do that. When I questioned Clockwork about it he had said that it was because my resolve to stay human was too strong so what was different about this guy's staff? I started getting out of bed. Accaila who had been staring at a wall noticed my movement.

"Hay I'm sorry about what happened yesterday," she said her mismatched eyes showed a mixture of many emotions the main one being regret.

"It's not your fault besides you beat him we should be good right?" I asked I just couldn't keep the hope from my voice. She shook her head.

"No there are many more what we were fighting yesterday was a lesser demon I grew up fighting them but I fear that an attack that is this open may mean something else is coming," She told me while looking away.

"What do you mean something else?" My voice shook a little.

"Like their king," she said, "But you shouldn't worry about that now are you aware of today's date?" My eyes widened. I jumped out of bed a got dressed quickly. Once I was dressed I went over to the calendar on the wall. I still had three days. A God three days. I normally know this kind of thing a month in advance. 

"I need to talk to Alex," I said quickly leaving the room. I felt Accaila turn invisible and follow me. I went down the hall way and stopped at Alex's door. I knocked.

"Come in" a voice groaned from the other side. I opened the door and went inside. Alex was laying on his bed clearly hungover and still trying to drink more. I shook my head as I grabbed the bottle from his hands.

"What do jou dant," he slurred.

"I need to go to Amity Park and I need to get there by Monday," I said looking him in the eye. He groaned he must know I what I wanted to do I mean he should by now.

"Fine you can take the jet and you leave tomorrow," He told me still trying to sit up. 

"You know Alex you shouldn't drink so much," I told him as I left. I heard him curse a bit but he still got up and headed toward the shower. As I went down the hall I pulled out my wallet. In it was one of my few memories of her. It was the three of us right before she had been diagnosed with cancer. It showed the three of us sitting and laughing. I smiled a bit at the picture right before I bumped into someone. I dropped my picture.

"Oh sorry," I said quickly.

"No it's my fault," a familiar voice said. Then my eyes met Randy's. Oh shit. He reached down and grabbed the picture. "Sorry is this your's?" he held it out to me after glancing at it. I quickly grabbed the picture.

"yes it's one of my prized possessions," I said sadly. His eys widened when a single tear feel from my eye.

"Y-your crying," He said clearly stunned.

"Yeah this time of year is never really a good time for him," I turned around and saw Alex. I internally groaned great just great.

"What do you mean," another voice pipped in I immediately recognized it as Jake's. 

"Well this is what the three year anniversary of you leaving Amity?" He asked. I face-palmed. 

"Alex there is a reason I don't publicize my personal life," I groaned I swear one of these days I'm going to strangle him and his big mouth. 

"Oh right," he said then turned around before I could make him scream for his mother. I did that once and for the rest of that month no one dared to go even near me.

"So um who were those people?" Jake asked. My face twisted in pain.

"My best friends," I said sadly.

"Oh sorry," he said quickly. 

"No I think I should tell you guys but only in my room and after you explain why your here," I said.

"Well that is actually a funny story you see we were at the concert last night and we wanted to make sure you were okay after that ghost flew you out of there," Randy explained as we went towards my room. I smiled at that. I opened the door to my room and the others followed me in. I took a seat on one of the chairs while Jake and Randy claimed the couch.

"Well to start the people in the picture were my best friends named Sam and Tucker," I said looking at the picture longingly, "This was taken before everything went down hill you see Sam and Tucker had just started dating and not long after Sam was diagnosed with stage four heart cancer after that Tucker started becoming really depressed," I took a deep breath, "In three days it will be the anniversary of Sam's death and in six days it will be Tucker's."

"Oh Danny were so sorry," Randy said sympathetically.

"And you know the worst part?" I asked them they shook their heads, "I loved her, I loved my best friends girlfriend, I was so selfish, she died not knowing how I felt Tucker died thinking I was so supportive of him and Sam being together," I wrapped my arms around myself I could feel the tears coming but I did nothing to stop them, "I knew that if I told Sam about how I felt then she would feel guilty about making me suffer and Tucker would have been even worse than he already was I just couldn't do that to them I couldn't  make them suffer anymore than they already were." The tears were falling freely now but I did nothing to stop them. I looked up at Randy and Jake and I let out all my emotions that I had held back for years. I felt Jake wrap his small arms around me and Randy doing the same.

"It's okay let it out," Jake said. And I did.

A/N: Wow I'm getting the feels right now. This was a hard chapter to write. Even so I feel like there is some very awesome character development going on here. So tell me what you think about this chap. The next one will be Timesoul part 2. We are about to find out more about Pariah and Accaila! Yay!

Until Next time my little Poppins!

-Blue Jay

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