Part 1

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Bedroom-Mid Night

I woke up by the heavy sound of explosion. There were terrible cries of men, women and children coming from all sides. People were screaming 'Allah Ho Akbar'. Air was full of pungent smell. I felt suffocated. Massive smoke arose from the explosion and I was about to lose my conscious. I looked around for my mother. I was crying, calling for my mother desperately. She ran towards me, wiped my tears and hugged me. She was weeping silently but soothing me and my brother Gallop.

It was not unusual for us. I asked my mother what is happening? Why these devastated sounds came every next day? She asked me to pray to Allah for help. Our city is again under attack. Some bad forces are killing innocent lives for their personal interests. She gave me numerous excuses but I was not getting my mother. Why can anyone kill creation of Allah? What is our sin? Why is this happening to us? Is Allah watching everything? Why don't He punish them? And my eyes were closed again with lots of question in my mind.

It was not the first time we were being attacked. Almost every other night I heard these kinds of terrible sounds. First a heavy explosion or firing, and then the screams of people dying. I often see rockets coming out of the plane. Me and Gallop were so scared of this situation. We wanted to close our ear to drown out the sound of explosions. It seems these sounds are coming closer to us day by day.

The next morning in Kobani was very disturbing and painful. Everything was ruined. Our full of life town was demolished. Half of my relatives were gone. There were blood and body parts everywhere. It was very scary. I saw people with their limbs blown off, and worse. I remember one particular bomb attack that killed a lot of people. A woman who is one of my mother's close friends had lost four children and she could not stop screaming. I can't forget the expression on her face.

There were the most beautiful trees and birds I've ever seen near my house. Me, Gallop and my cousins used to play there. But after the attack, the trees were all burnt and the birds were starving because there were no one to feed them.

One day me and Gallop asked our daddy why our communities are ripped off? Why are we not secure here? Why are we living with the constant fear of death? We are depressed and terrified. Why our people are dying? What have we done to deserve all this? But he had no answer. He kissed us and said ''Everything will be fine. We are deciding to go to a better and secure place.'' Our questions remained unanswerable in our minds.

Days later, I heard mummy and daddy talking to each other about leaving country. Daddy was telling that the situation here is getting more complicated by the day, and this war will not end soon. Barrels are on Syria, and he could no longer risk the lives of his children.

Finally, my family made a heart-breaking decision...

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