Part 2

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They have decided to leave their country and joined the flood of refugees to Turkey. We were not the only, the entire town left except some elderly men who stayed. Leaving our homeland Syria is like leaving our soul behind. We were not happy but this was the only choice we had. We crossed the Turkish border with the help of smugglers. It was not the easy journey.

We started our journey at the crack of dawn. Many men and women were carrying their children and large bags of amenities with them. We walked for 6 hours on a rough ground and crossed massive mountains, interrupted by bullets every now and then. We ran out of water halfway through. I was desperate to see our destination.... But wait! What was that? A fence? We reached near the barbed-wire fence. I asked my daddy. Why is this fence here? What is it for? He told me that this is a kind of border between two countries. This is used to control illegal immigration. So, in other words this fence is here to stop us. I was still confused. My mother used to tell me that this world is made by Allah Almighty for us, for his creation. The whole land is HIS property. He has given us this land without boundaries. Then who have put these borders and fences? We were dying in our country, instead of providing us safety, they are stopping us to save our lives.

So I came to know that this was the border between Syria and Turkey. We were wearing fatigue and exhaustion on our faces, waiting anxiously for a sign from a smuggler to run in the direction of Turkish territory, hoping to get lucky and manage to evade Turkish border guards. On the opposite side of the barbed wire, some armed border guards patrolled to prevent illegal entry.

After waiting several minutes, the guards appeared to have left the area. Luckily, we managed to get across. It was too hard to cross the barbed wire, we got many wounds on our bodies. But at last, we made it...

After reaching Turkey, we discovered the meaning of finally being safe. But I miss my hometown more than anything. I can't get over it. There were my friends and toys. Daddy had put a swing in the porch for me. Our town had a park, We used to play there. It feels like we had our own little world there. But now, It's gone....

We spent almost four months in Turkey. Being a refugee is like you are not a human, you don't exist.... It means no one cares! Our house used to be a comfortable place in Kobani. Now it's a basement two floors down where air doesn't reach. We were illegal there, so Gallop and my cousins were not able to go schools. Daddy's life is about waking up, going to work and at night come back to sleep. He was working hard to meet our needs. But sometimes we get to eat something, and some other time we get nothing. We were living hand to mouth. The life was miserable. And then... something happened that had changed the whole scenario. 

My aunt Tima Kurdi lived in Vancouver, Canada. Aunt Tima was very worried about us. When she came to know our misery, that we kids are not going to schools, we are starving here. She decided to sponsor us for our better future. Her friends and neighbours helped her with bank deposits. The plan was made that she will call my Uncle's family first. Once they were safe she will bring up us. She had filed the paperwork for us when we arrived in Turkey. Aunt sent letter and application to Canadian Government. She often said that i know you people are very desperate but give me some time, till the government reply me.

But our trials have not ended. Our application was rejected by Canada. So, Canada has not allowed us to come to their country... It was a shock for us. They turned us down. Everyone in my family was heartbroken. Our dreams were once again demolished. We just wanted to live like other people, we wanted to go schools, we wanted to laugh, we wanted to live... that's all our dreams were about!!

After being rejected by Canadian government, my uncle went to Germany. He has little money, so he has only one choice to cross the sea and that is by boat with other daring refugees. And finally, he made it safely.... 

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