Chapter 3

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Oh my god. I'm already running late. It's my first day at uni and I'm already late.

I grab my bag (thank god I atleast packed it last night) and run down the dorm and towards the humanities building which was 5 min away. In the hustle bustle of students, the corridors seemed so unfamiliar. That's it, panic attack. Where was room 205?! I knew this was going to happen and that's why I did damage control two days ago by strolling in the building and seeing the rooms my classes would be held in. Great. I was already panicking when I suddenly bumped into someone and felt hot liquid on arm.

“Aah!” I exclaimed.

“What the hell! Hey! Watch it!” He screamed and looked at me with sheer disgust. I looked up at him and tried to apologize but I was stupefied. He was so beautiful. Soft brown hair falling over his head, small deep set eyes, lips pressing together in a line. His voice snapped me back to reality.

“Ya! I'm talking to you. Don't you have the manners to apologize?” He scoffed and walked away.

Why would I apologise? The hot coffee fell on me, I should be apologised to, not the other away.

I found my class and sat down. The professor wasn't in the class yet. That's a relief. A boy walked in and stood beside the empty seat beside me.

“Hey, is this seat taken?”

“Um, no.”

“Okay. You mind?”

“Oh no, please.” I said gesturing towards the seat.

He settled down and turned towards me.

“Jung Yong Hwa.” He put out his hand.

“ Y/N” I shook his hand.

“Nice to meet you,Y/N. You don't seem to be from around here.”

“I'm from India.”

“Oh wow. Cool.”

Our brief conversation was cut off when the professor walked in.

Hye Jin and I were supposed to meet for lunch, but she seemed to be nowhere. After walking around for a while, I sat down under a tree and decided to read a book while waiting for her.


I looked up to see Kyungsoo smiling at me.

“Oh hello Kyungsoo sunbae.( Koreans called their seniors sunbae. I was warned by Hye Jin to never start a conversation with a senior without addressing them as sunbae.)

“May I? If you're not busy?”

“Oh no I'm not. I was waiting for Hye Jin and decided to kill time.”

“So I take it you didn't have lunch yet?”

“It's a little awkward to eat at the cafeteria alone and plus Hye Jin will be here soon.”

“How was your first morning at Yonsei?”

“It was too good. I love it here!”

He smiled, “that's nice. Actually I was heading to have lunch. Why don't you join me? I'll have someone inform Hye Jin.”

“Um, okay. Sure.”

All the way to the cafeteria, Kyungsoo asked me about my country, family and food.

“There's a indian restaurant here, we should go there sometime and you can then tell me if it's good.”he said.

“Haha. Yeah. Sure.”

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