Chapter 9

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“Who's that?.... Omg, Baekhyun sunbae!” she said covering her mouth.


Hye Jin's eyes followed me everywhere as I got ready for bed.

“You look like a freak. Stop smiling.” Hye Jin said at last.

I sat on the bed facing her and couldn't avoid the grim expression she bore, “Hye Jin, is something wrong?”

“No.” She looked away, “just be careful.”

After a brief silence she continued, “ since when?”

“I don't really know. This was the first time we met up this way.”

She nodded in response. “Sleep now. You have class early tomorrow.”

2.30 AM

I couldn't sleep. The whole of yesterday kept replaying in my head. I wanted to see him again. Now. My phone vibrated just then.

Baekhyun sunbae: Sleeping?

Me: no.

Baekhyun sunbae: me too.

Me: I know that.

Baekhyun sunbae: oh yeah, silly me.

Me: when do you have class tomorrow?

Baekhyun sunbae: missing me already? I'll meet you before you go to class. 7.30 okay?

Me: okay :)

Baekhyun sunbae: what did Hye Jin say?

Me: asked me to be careful.

Baekhyun sunbae: from?

Me: you.

Baekhyun sunbae: whattt! What did I do?

Me: idk.

Baekhyun sunbae: okay, go to sleep. Sleep well, coffee.

Me: I'm still coffee?

Baekhyun sunbae: always. :)

Me: haha. Good night sunbae.

Baekhyun sunbae: night night :*

Baekhyun sunbae: :(

Me: ?

Baekhyun sunbae: you're mean.

Me: I'm not.

Baekhyun sunbae: just sleep.

Me: I did.

Baekhyun sunbae: fine.

When I woke up it was 8. Baekhyun! I picked up my phone.

3 missed calls. 4 messages.

I frantically opened the messages.

Baekhyun sunbae: morning coffee! :)

Baekhyun sunbae: coffee are you sleeping?

Baekhyun sunbae: I'll be waiting. Call me when you wake up?

I called him. Would he be mad? He answered after two rings.

“Coffee! Are you up finally?” cheerfulness evident in his voice.

“Sunbae, I'm sorry. I didn't even hear the alarm.”

“It's alright. I'm outside your dorm. Get ready and come down.”

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