Chapter 11

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Baekhyun and I had avoided every chance of meeting after that day. One day as I was about to enter the vocal training room I heard voices, and the thing that caught my attention was my name being mentioned.

“… that's after Y/N. Kyungsoo, he's hardly ever getting out of his room. He doesn't go out, he mechanically eats and immediately leaves, has declined every occasion that called for an outing. I just don't know what to do anymore. I've tried everything.”, The voice talking was exceptionally deep, so I knew it was Chanyeol.

“What about?... You know?” Kyungsoo asked after a very long pause.

“Nope. Nothing. Not even once. Which is why it's making this even more strange! He's not like this. These situations have never affected him before.”

I contemplated a lot before entering. After taking in a deep breath, I knocked and entered.

“Hello Kyungsoo sunbae, Chanyeol sunbae.” I greeted, pushing open the door.

My sudden appearance astounded them, both blankly staring at me for a second.

“Oh hi!” Said Chanyeol after gauging my presence in the room.

“Y/N, today I can't train you, I've some other arrangements. But someone will come. Why don't you sit and practice. You can use the recording room.” Kyungsoo said after standing up to leave. Chanyeol gathered some papers and left after a couple of minutes too. Having the room to myself, millions of thoughts ran through my head. It'd been so long since I had seen Baekhyun. It was hard. I had grown attached to him. At one point, I reconsidered dating him just to be with him for a while, whether it hurt me or no in the end.

The door suddenly creaked, grabbing my attention and disrupting my trail of thought. I stood up when I saw Baekhyun opening the door. We met eyes for a second before he closed the door again without entering. Sudden adrenaline rush in my body made me act, I rushed to the door and opened it again to find him walking back slowly.

“Baekhyun sunbae!” I called out.

He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned to face me.

“Sorry I didn't know you were inside.”, He replied.

“Why did you leave? It's not my room.”

“Um. Yeah. Err okay. Let's go.”

We went inside the room and sat on the two furthest chairs. He didn't look at me at all. Deciding to break the tension, I spoke first.

“So how's the project you were working on, going?”

“Good. We've made some progress.”

“ Sunbae..”

“Listen, Y/N, you needn't worry about me. Like you said, I'm a guy who has women around them at all times. I won't deny it. I'm like that. And honestly, now that you have mentioned it, you're right. I can't be sure that I can love you the way you'd want me to. I might change my mind. I always have in the end. I can't destroy you knowing that you might be hurt beyond repair. So, this is good. I'm okay with it. I hope you find someone better. Someone who can keep you happy. I can't.”

My mind blocked out everything else as I heard him. Somehow I knew things were bad between us, but I guess I always wanted something to mend it. I hoped someday it would be okay. Or maybe like the guys in a drama, he'd still want me. This was beyond my expectation. I couldn't feel anything, but my heart was beating too fast as though my mind wanted me to run away from this mortal danger of the situation I found myself in. He didn't look at me as he spoke and without giving a glance, he got up to leave.

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