ACT-ONE: Chi-Chi, We Have A Problem

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'Oh no,' the woman thought to herself as she sprinted deeper into the dark countryside. The full moon shone brightly down, seeping through the little gaps of light trees and shrubs allowed between their spread of branches.

'He's gonna catch me soon, what am I going to do, he's too fast!' She panicked. Her lack of breath caused her to eventually stop at a nearby tree.

"Shiff! Shiff!"

The woman gasped. 'Oh no... he's caught me...' "Hello again...have you finally given in? Or do I still have to claim you..." The man said, licking his lips while spying the curves of the woman's body devilishly. She only had her white nightgown on and nothing else, sometimes giving him a sneak at his woman's body.

The large muscular man neared and grabbed the woman in an embrace as she struggled to break free. The man forced a kiss on the woman, powerful enough to stop her squirming and make her open her mouth for the man to explore.

He then broke the kiss and pushed the woman up against the tree, ripping some of the woman's nightgown off to reveal her soft breasts. He grabbed and played with them, rubbing and teasing the nipples with the occasional lick. The woman moaned in ecstasy as she melted into his grasp.

The man ripped more of the woman's nightgown off as he grinded against her, growling under his breath. He exposed his manhood from under his pants and begun to enter slowly into his woman. He thrusted into her gently as pushed her against the tree, their bodies trading heat and sweat.

"Vegeta!~, Vegeta!~," The woman moaned in pleasure as he-!


Vegeta's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes suddenly with a small gasp as a voice blared into my ear. I was hugging someone with my arms tightly, thinking it was Bulma...but as I looked down, it disappointed me to find it was my son, Trunks. I let go immediately and my son begun to frantically gasp for air, almost blue in the face.

He sprang up out of the bed and turned to stare at me as he floated in mid air. "Dad! What the hell is your problem!? Why are you trying to choke me?" I looked away embarrassed about the situation. I attempted to come up with an appropriate excuse for my child.

"Shut up! You shouldn't be here! Just because you are too afraid to sleep alone, my wife had to sleep in your room! I like to hug my wife at night, not my ten year old son! Humph. Now go get ready for breakfast."

My son landed on the floor and stormed off angrily muttering under his breath. I sighed deeply and smashed the back of my head against my pillow. Damn...It looks like we're back at that time of year again...I must meet up with Kakarrot to confirm if he's having these things happening to him so he can carry out the plan...


Chi-Chi's P.O.V.

"Hey Chi-Chi, I'm heading out for a little meditation training, I don't think I'll want breakfast, so you can just make some for Goten and yourself."

Wait what? Did he just say....!? The Saiyan, who loves food the most in the house and eats the size of three elephants in food intake, doesn't want food. he okay?

I mean, these past few days he's been acting weird...started eating less, started staying home more, started spending more time with me, and he's a little more touchy-feely. And sometimes I think he's following me or...watching me from somewhere. It's not like I don't want those things but...-!

"Oh, and Chi-Chi," Said Goku as he came back in the door. He walked over to me and took me into a big embrace, hugging me tightly.

"Bye." He let me go and headed out the door smiling at me. I faked a smile and he closed the door behind himself.

I sighed and turned towards the kitchen to start making breakfast. So, he's ALOT more touchy-feely. I like it sometimes but I just find this new Goku...annoying. Sure, the naive and innocent Goku was a pain in the ass but this matured Goku is just...creepy.

Just then, I heard the phone ring. I went over to pick it up and listened in to hear who was on the other side. "Hello? Chi-Chi speaking?" I said, waiting for a response.

"Hey! It's me, Bulma!" The voice said back to me. My face lit up as my friend Bulma had decided to call me. Oh, it's been too long since we've talked. Well, two weeks.

"What's up girl?" I asked hoping for some juicy gossip out of my friend. She always usally did have her nose in the latest magazine after all!

"You have to listen carefully it's important." Bulma said in a serious and stern tone. "Yeah, I'm all ears," I replied.
"You know Goku, has his behaviour changed recently?" Bulma asked.

My face changed to a serious look. Not often Bulma would have news concerning us. I wonder what could be wrong?

"Has Goku been acting in the following ways?" Asked Bulma.

"What ways?" I deadpanned.

"Oh...I don't know maybe eating less, staying home more and spending more time with you, not to mention ALOT more touchy-feely?"

I hesitated, taken aback. "H-how do you know?! These are the ways exactly how he's been acting!" I exclaimed.

"Then you need to come over. NOW. If Goku is nearby tell him that Vegeta asked him to stop by for training."

"Oh...Okay, we will be there right away!"
I told Bulma with a determined expression on my face. I hung up the phone and finished cooking breakfast for Goten, leaving a note by his plate that Goku and I had left to Capsule Corporation and that he should visit Piccolo.

I go outside the door to see Goku by a tree deep in meditation. "Goku! Vegeta said he wanted to train with you! Do you want to come with me to Capsule Corp?"

Goku opened one eye and looked over towards me. "Huh? Oh, okay then. But why don't we take the car, it's a nice day today."

"Nope. The Nimbus will be faster." I say, and I call the Flying Nimbus. A yellow cloud flies down from the sky and lands next to me ready to fly. I hop on it and beckoned Goku to get on. "Hurry up Goku I must talk to Bulma. You don't want to keep Vegeta waiting do you?"

Goku grunts and gets up from under the tree he was meditating by and walks over to the Nimbus. He hops on as well and we take off towards Metro West.

I just hope whatever Bulma has to say is going to help fix whatever is wrong with Goku...


Yo guys, sorry for anybody anticipating Tenkaichi. The story just wasn't working with what I wanted to create, so I made this instead. Lulu X Veigar continues as usual with slow releases of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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