Chapter One

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Percy walked to the Athena cabin with his heart in his throat. He knocked, and told the camper who answered that he was here to see Annabeth.

"Thanks." He said when the camper pointed her out, her hair a mess and her eyes bright. Percy knew what she was working on: redesigning the structures and buildings on mount Olympus. He walked in slowly, his shoes making no noise on the floor of the cabin. He touched her shoulder gently, and she jumped, startled.

"Percy!" Her face broke out into a huge grin. "I've been meaning to come and get you!" She noticed her boyfriends nervous, solemn expression. "Percy?"

"Annie, we need to talk."

"Percy, what is it?"

"I just don't know if... this," He gestured helplessly, "Is working. I love you Annie, I really do, but just-"

"Not like that anymore?" She finished gently.

He sank onto her bed, putting his head in his hands he looked up at her imploringly. "Annabeth..." He put his head back in his hands. "I'm so sorry." He said quietly.

"What?" She put her finger under his chin and lifted his head.

"I'm so sorry."

She hugged him hard. "Percy, I love you, and if this is what you want, fine. I just hope we can still... be... friends." She was gasping for breath as she said the last few words, her eyes brimming with tears.

She pushed him out the door as her voice cracked. She shut the door and collapsed on the floor, sobbing. She barely saw her cabin mates gather around her. Hardly heard them ask her if she was ok. And she didn't feel them lift her onto her bed and tuck her in. She couldn't feel anything at all.

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