Chapter Twenty Two

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Percy grabbed Nicos hand. "Nico, What's going on?"

"I really don't know, but you have to help me! I've been getting these really weird vision dream things about Will, and now they're coming true, and I don't know what to do."

"Ok, I'm coming."

"Thank you."

They burst into Nico's cabin, where Will was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"Hi Nico."

"Will!" Nico raced over to him. "Are you ok? Please tell me you're ok!"

"I'm fine. Your friend, however, will not be!"


"Why did you have to bring him?"

"Because I was worried about you.."

"Mmhmm. Then why didn't you stay?"


"I don't want to hear it." the demonic smile was back.

"Come on Will, I know this isn't you!"

"It isn't? Maybe he's been helping me..."


"The voice that's in my head."

"Will, what are you talking about?" Nico was close to tears, frustration and fear warring on his face.

"They're coming. Soon. Today. Now." Outside Nico could hear the sounds of fighting.

"Will, what's going on?"

"I called them to me." Nico ran outside. There were things in the camp, centered by the Athena Parthenos. Campers were fighting them as well as they could, but whatever these things were, they were good. They looked exactly like the campers, except for one thing. All their eyes were a startling black, even the usual sclera was as dark as a starless night. Matte black. They seemed drawn to the campers who they mirrored, but were somehow fighting everyone. Percy had appeared behind Nico, and gasped. The things kept appearing, even when it seemed like they had been defeated. Percy ran out to help, Nico looking back once and then ran out as well. If they had stayed longer, they would have seen Wills eyes flashing back and forth, from full black to Wills normal color. Eventually they flashed blue in seeming finality, and he got up and staggered to the window.

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