Chapter Five

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Percy walks through camp to his cabin. When he walks in he notices right away that it smell different than normal. He looks over at his bunk and sees Piper sitting on it, waiting for him.

"Awww, Piper," He groans. "Not now..."

"Yes now, Percy. What happened?"

"I broke up with Annabeth, we came to an understanding. Why is everyone making a big deal of it?" He was growing more and more annoyed with all this pestering.

"Because you broke her goddamn heart, asshole!" She practically yelled.

Percy stops, taken aback. Piper doesn't usually swear, and this is the second time in as many days that he has been called an asshole.

Then he exploded. "Holy shit Piper, just drop it already! I'm sorry! I said I was sorry! I just wasn't feeling it anymore. Don't you think I feel awful too? She hurt me too, did ya ever think about that? I didn't mean to hurt her, that's the last thing I would ever want!"

Piper takes deep breaths, trying to calm down. "Percy," She says suddenly, "you're glowing pink. Who did you fall in love with that is so much better than Annabeth?"

Percy was confused. "What? I don't know what you're talking about."

"Percy. I can see auras- kind of. If you're in love with someone, I'll know. Your aura around Annabeth has been more of a purply pink than a pink pink recently. Now you're super pink. You're in love. I wanna know who with!" Piper rolls her eyes, and it takes everything in her power not to poke Percy's chest. Boys. They're so thick-headed.

"I don't know who I'm in love with!"

"Ok, well, I'll walk you around the camp and see who you're pinkest around!"

"Why does it matter?" Percy grumped, not wanting to be dragged around camp.

"Because. I'm the daughter of the goddess of love, I'm interested in this type of thing." Piper grins slyly. "Come on, Perky."

"PIPER! You know how I feel about that nickname." Percy says, annoyed but still following her out of his cabin, frowning at her retreating back.

Piper walks him into the Ares cabin first.

"Hey Clarisse!" She says loudly, then whispers, not very discreetly into Percy's ear: "No one in here."

"Thank the gods," He mutters, grunting as he's pulled along to another cabin.

Piper pulls him into the Apollo cabin, the Aphrodite cabin, and the Hephaestus cabin. No one there makes Percy glow, if Piper was even telling the truth about the auras. 

"Lets try the big three cabins." Piper muses.

"But those are all GUY cabins!" Percy protests.

"So?" Piper asks. "Can't hurt to check."

"No. I'm sick of your stupid little quest. I'm leaving."

"But- Percy!"

"But nothing, Pipes. I should've left a long time ago." Percy said quietly, the last sentence almost an afterthought. It lands heavy in the air, and Pipers eyes widen at the true meaning of his words.

"Why though? You have people here, people who love you."

"Piper. She was cheating on me."

"No. Not Annabeth. She would never!"

"You sure?"


"Then leave me alone." Percy walked away quickly, bumping into a few campers on the way, and nearly ran over Leo. "Hey man, trying to work here!" Leo shouted after him, but Percy didn't hear. He raced to the beach, barely waiting to take off his shirt before diving into the water and swimming as far and deep as he could. The water cleared his head, and he realized what he had to do.

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